Imagination or inspiration?

ZD Finn
Soul Magazine
Published in
6 min readMay 2, 2024


Me, My & Eye

Image by Kai from Pixabay

Cast list:

ME: Worldly and world worn, in her seventies, sometimes writer, frequent meditator. Varied career behind her now, looking for meaning.

MY: Etheric, timeless, varied knowledge but lacks experience, curious, non-judgemental. Committed to service and grateful for the speaking part.

EYE: Soul-narrator. Eternal, all seeing, constant, unifying presence, that observes and documents equally the Etheric and the human.

The early morning meditation had been profound. ME was loath to leave the deep peace, colourscape and undulating light that had filled her. But there was nothing to record, nothing to show or share with others, just a heaviness within her body that was confusingly filled with Light.

ME: How can I feel heavy and yet full of light, it makes no sense?

MY: Because meditation shifts your consciousness away from the density of the body and towards the Spirit realms, so when you re-enter your world you are reminded, shall we say, of the relative heaviness of the human form.

Meditation has a way of awakening the cells of your body to Spirit, and so there is a sense of movement without any movement taking place. It is more a case of increased sensitivity.

EYE : This is just a case of perception, beloved one, in truth, all human beings, and indeed animals, are always sensitive to the movement of the energies around them because they echo the movements within them.

Unfortunately, in this Age so few have an awareness of that, or even a language to try to describe it beyond charting their reactions, be they fear, comfort, like or dislike.

Meditation is about inhabiting, more consciously than normal, your aura.

MY: I like that description. Usually, humanity considers their physical being to be the totality of themselves, but the truth could not be more different. Everyone has an aura that reaches into infinity and has the ability to billow out into the world, depending on their circumstances.

How do you react when you enter a crowded lift?

ME: By making myself smaller, lowering my head and pulling in my arms, almost for protection.

MY: Absolutely, in effect you pull in your aura because that, you might say, is your sphere of influence

EYE watches ME react to this, she looks surprised and then puzzled.

There is a pause.

MY: I realise this phrase means different things in your world, but I mean what I say. The truth is that human beings, animals, plants, and crystals extend far further into the world than can be seen by the human eye, or at least most adult eyes. Babies often retain that ability for a while, and animals never lose it.

ME: Why do you say most adult eyes? I know people who can see auras. Sometimes I imagine I do and some people who are diagnosed as mentally unwell seem to affected by shifting auras, but don’t know why they are reacting.

MY: It is not within everyone’s gift, or even purpose, to develop a sensitivity to auras, but yes, many people could train themselves to see auras, or at least come close to imagining the primary colours within them.

EYE: The aura is pure energy, colour, light, and vibration and is depicted in so many ways by different cultures. It is sensitive, wise and, for simplicity’s sake, the source of your inspiration.

ME : Hesitatingly. Wise?

EYE watches the color changing within ME’s aura, the blending of greens and turquoise with flashes of bright blue as she ponders on this word.

EYE: Wisdom comes from the soul and the Vale of Thought, the collective mind if you prefer. So, yes, wise in that your aura is always connected to the Spirit realm and so able to access inspiration and past life wisdom.

MY: Your thoughts do not originate within the tissue of the brain, they are captured, if you will, by the electrical impulses that constantly spark within the human frame. You could equate your aura to a butterfly net that captures transient colour and light forms long enough to make sense of them.

There is a pause.

I apologise, no words really do justice to the complexity and beauty within the interaction between Spirit and humanity, and in a way, that’s how it should be.

ME: Why, surely, that would make life on earth so much richer and more meaningful?

MY: And indeed, in the past, Spirit Beings did come to the Earth, and mankind communicated with the Spirit realms regularly. But doubt, disbelief and the quest for power and certainty over and slowly the vibration rates between the realms altered, until communication became almost muted.

But that did not remove the abiding sense of mystery, or the echo of the Spirit realms within the incarnated souls.

After all, without that inner sense of mystery, what would humanity reach for?

What use would imagination be if everything was within reach, palpable and controlled by mankind?

EYE: Mankind was born into the Garden of Eden, a manifestation of beauty, light, perfume, colour, seasons, and movement. A home for the senses and yet full of aspiration, change, evolution, diversity, growth, and decay. An environment in which there was enough to delight the senses and yet to inspire mankind to wonder and feel awe at its creation and imagine its Creator.

MY: And importantly, a world where mankind was not alone, but was one part of a natural landscape with its rhythms and energy, where animals already resided and lived in harmony with nature.

ME: So, are you saying imagination is our only way of exploring the mystery of life? I think scientists and academics might disagree.

EYE notices that the free flow of color within the room seems to have stalled, ME seems to have withdrawn within her personality as if hope has been extinguished.


There is an abiding spark of not knowing, or at the very least a multitude of perceptions which take humanity in different directions. This is one of the greatest gifts of diversity, the imperative to question, even to the degree that the Earth may be flat, or that life itself is an experiment.

Call that imagination, call it curiosity, or call it evolution or experimentation, it all starts with the need of the Soul to experience all, aspects of life.

EYE: Beloved one, the landscapes within human beings are predominately created by thoughts and beliefs, most of which are reflected in the landscapes of life. Some of which are not, but become reality for those that harbour them. Others come from the reflection of the Spirit realm in life and are accessed through the soul and these are seeking to bring that Light, the soul-Light to life.

ME softens and settles, and the colours around her are vibrant and intricately woven together.

ME: Thank you, that was quite a journey.

MY: Sometimes the journey is the destination, you move between imagination and inspiration all the time, like train lines intersecting along the route of life. And what creates the energy that fuels the journey? Spirit, the animating force of soul in life, the spark of unknowing, that encourages mankind to look at the stars as well as at their feet.

Peace falls across the room like a tapestry of Light, and as the dust motes swirl, they carry that Light up into the atmosphere and out beyond the confines of the room. EYE knows that this Light can neither be confined, nor defined and so is free to travel and carry with it the experience it collects upon its travels. It travels light though, so leaves any darkness behind to be absorbed into the earth where it is transmuted.

© ZD Finn 2024

Finn runs a healing and meditation practice in London, publishes her own inspired journals, and offers mentoring to those seeking to strengthen their soul connection.

More information can be found on and some of the terms and my use of capitals are explained in my Lexicon.



ZD Finn
Soul Magazine

Author of ‘The Library of Lives,’ a series of inspired journals, healer, inspired speaker, mentor