Me, my & eye

A trinity of one

ZD Finn
Soul Magazine


Image by Riki32 from Pixabay

Cast list:

ME: Worldly and world-worn, in her seventies, sometimes writer, frequent meditator. Varied careers behind her now, looking for meaning.

MY: Etheric, timeless, varied knowledge but lacks experience, curious, non-judgemental. Committed to service and grateful for the speaking part.

EYE: Eternal, all-seeing, constant, unifying presence, that observes and documents equally the Etheric and the human.

It is early morning and the flickers of the red dawn fill the living room. All is quiet in the house, and the steam from the tea snakes upwards at the side of the sofa. She blows on its surface and takes a sip, sighs as she lights a candle, and looks up at the ceiling as if inspiration dwells there.

ME: (into thin air)

I don’t know where to begin, you are never satisfied.

MY is silent and still, beside her. There is a long pause as the pinks of the dawn shimmer and turn to the grey hue of the winter morning. ME sips her tea and wraps her hands around the mug as she breathes in its warmth.

ME: Speak to me, don’t disappear on me.

MY: Why would I disappear, I have nowhere else to be. But you need to meet me halfway. You say I am never satisfied, and yet that is how I feel most of the time. Whatever I offer you is not enough. Sometimes I think you’re ashamed of me.

ME: That’s not fair, you lift my heart like no other. I often cry out in gratitude when we have spoken, but then I feel you shift away …

EYE silently watches from a distance as indeed a shift takes place. ME seemingly disconnects by staring into her cup, as if choosing to read non-existing tea leaves over continuing the discussion. Then, almost as if a third element joins the conversation, soft, golden light spirals unnoticed around the room. MY remains steady, expansive, and patient and waits while the light settles.

MY: And you lift my heart too, more than you can ever know. I cannot cry out, but I can reach out and I do and sometimes you turn towards me and at other times you turn away. I can be sitting right next to you and yet you do not know I am there.

ME’s shoulders droop and she gazes into the distance. MY stays still, undaunted. EYE watches and feels them both relax as they absorb the light and it mingles between them.

ME: I’m sorry, it’s hard for me to include you in everyday life, you’re like a sprinkle of morning dew before the heat of life comes rushing in. I depend on you, but life is all hard edges and you’re soft and delicate.

MY: So you feel I need protecting, is that what you are saying? That I am too delicate to be included in your life?

ME: No, I don’t think that’s what I’m saying, although the outcome is the same. There’s a delicacy in me that cannot survive the demands of life. I feel as if I live in two realms, one where I have to be proactive, decisive, and judgemental and another, where I find you, where I need to be calm, peaceful, and reflective. So as much as I am protecting you, I am protecting me.

MY’s wistful sigh draws EYE’s attention as the gold light continues to pour in and brighten the room. ME does not notice as she has withdrawn into herself.

MY: (after a long pause)

What is delicate in you is stronger than you realize because it is eternal. It has none of the hard edges of the world, so it cannot splinter or crack, it is supple and responsive, so ever-changing. Its attention, my attention, is unflinching, we do not rate one activity as more valuable than another. When you allow your gentleness to fill your words and your actions, it alerts the gentleness within others and silently invites them to do the same.

ME shrugs her shoulders and looks down at the floor. EYE watches her with love and sees her tense and shift.

MY: I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable because I love you, but the gentle Light is easy to deny, is it not? It is so rarely reflected from within your world that it can make you feel alone. I know that, but the fact that it is nebulous doesn’t lessen its ability to bring peace. Peace, that gentle mist that falls constantly upon your world and sprinkles hope into the eyes of those who see.

EYE slowly blinks with emotion. ME wipes her eyes.

MY: There is no judgment here, beloved one, it is the action of Love in life and so I understand, more than you can ever know I understand. The world is always one of hard edges and the action of will upon life, it has to be, that’s what you are here for. But it is also what I am here for, to soften some of those edges and to heal the damage they do to your spirit.

ME nods, and there is a release of tension as MY silently laughs. Her laugh is like a shimmer of golden raindrops falling into a glass, but its effect is immediate, the mood around ME lightens, almost visibly. EYE watches moved but unblinking.

ME (smiling):

You’re right, you’re always right, I know in my heart that you protect me, not the other way around, but the world seems so judgemental. I admit I hid you away. The initial reaction to any mention of Spirit or spiritual is so often derision, sometimes anger, I fear that if you were exposed to the world you would …

MY: … break? Be offended? Take off in a huff?

ME: Something like that, but even as I say it I know it’s me I’m protecting, from the judgment, the dismissal, the derision.

EYE watches as My embraces ME in her soft light and ME accepts the embrace. Peace moves around them both and is palpable.

MY: What I bring and what you have within you is eternal. That is true for every living being on this planet, and no amount of denial or derision can change that. The key to it becoming acceptable in the world is for it to be accepted within, and you do that, but you also limit that. I do not, I am there when you are cooking or shopping as much as when you are meditating.

ME: I’m sorry, I am inconsistent, I depend on you and then hide you in a cupboard for fear of negative judgments.

MY (laughing):

You cannot contain or confine the energy of life and love, mankind thinks they can, but they cannot. Just as you cannot confine me.

Throughout the Ages, there have been attempts to make love, even life, conditional either on religion, race, culture, or identity, but it is not within the gift of mankind to make what is unconditional conditional. Love and light flood this world, bringing forth life, and need no permission from anyone so to do.

I need your attention if I am to speak, but I will never stop sending my love and light to you, whatever you may be doing. How are we doing on heartlifting?

ME (smiling):

Really well. You?

MY: My heart is full when I know you are accepting my words and I can see their effect upon you.

This is not your failure, mankind as a whole is ambivalent, about their dependency on the Light of Love, so many believe it is a secret they need to protect.

How many profess to have no belief in anything outside of themselves and yet at key events refer to a loved one who has passed as keeping a steady eye on their progress? How many moments of déjà vu fill people’s lives and are quickly dismissed as coincidence, woo-woo, or fantasy?

How many inventions ape the connectedness of the Spirit world and yet allow love to be abused daily? How many spiritual teachers have been destroyed by fear in the past and may yet be in the future?

I do not know, no one knows, but know this, I can never leave you, only mankind can choose to turn away from Love, and by learning to trust me you come to trust yourself, your true self.

EYE watches ME relax as she accepts these words, the cells of her body soft and yielding to the Light that spirals around her. As she yields the blues and the greens that fill her aura her mingles with the gold and brings a new kind of strength and hue to the spiral.

ME: Thank you, this is what lifts my heart and yet however many times we talk I still have to overcome uncertainty and disbelief. It seems foolish to say it, but it’s still true.

MY: We merge through the ocean of Love and it takes time to build trust and we are building that trust ripple by ripple. I can expand into life and you into Spirit and together we grow. If that were true for the majority of mankind your world would look very different as the beautiful Light within each person would no longer be cowled for fear of ridicule. Then mankind would truly know peace and blossom from the inside out.

EYE watches as the interlocking spirals move closer together as if embracing, before creating a little distance. The gold is now strengthened and shimmers with blues and greens. It pulsates with life and moves into the airstream of life. EYE watches unblinking as the Light embraces all it encounters.

ME: I know how long it has taken for me to reach a place of trust and acceptance, but even then, I struggle each time we consciously reconnect, and yet the rewards are so great. Does it always have to be like this?

MY: There is always a readjustment to be made, similar to jumping into an ocean for the first time. First the intention, then the breath, then the descent. Although neither of us moves, you could say our consciousness follows our intent and our love for one another. Some call it a mini-death like sleep, it is a passing of sorts. If there were no shift there would be no learning, and without learning there would be no need for life on earth.

ME: Whose need is it, then?

MY: The Soul, the collective Soul, who desires to explore and experience every aspect of life.

ME: Is that even possible?

MY: I cannot answer that, but to my way of thinking, there must come a time when nothing new is being experienced. When all aspects of inhumanity have been experienced mankind lies exhausted. When all the heights of human kindness and courage have been scaled and the depth of compassion that mankind is capable of truly understood.

I myself wonder if it is not the depth and breadth of human experience that will shape the future of life on Earth, but the breathtaking toll your planet has had to endure to continue to provide a home.

But I do not know. What I do know though is that this Age, this Golden Age, has dwelling within it open hearts and minds that feel as you do, connect as you do, without hesitation or fear of ridicule. Quietly they grow amongst you, wise sentinels, whose love of this planet and humanity drives them forward and who know their purpose in the very cells of their being.

You would be surprised at the power of patient, eternal Love.

EYE blinks. ME breathes out. Silence falls. The spiral of Light continues to turn and rise beyond the ceiling and the floor. No one moves.

ME (softly as she blows out the candle):

Thank you.

© ZD Finn 2024

Finn runs a healing and meditation practice in London, publishes her own inspired journals, and offers mentoring to those seeking to strengthen their own soul connection.

More information can be found on and some of the terms and my use of capitals are explained in my Lexicon.



ZD Finn
Soul Magazine

Author of ‘The Library of Lives,’ a series of inspired journals, healer, inspired speaker, mentor