Celebrating FLOSS in ML at FOSDEM 2019

Seoul Engineer
Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2018

Applying ML for finding patterns in source code is a cutting-edge research topic in academia and industry known as ML on Code. But there can not be any ML without data and that is where FLOSS software projects present a trove of opportunities.

The goal of applying ML to source code is building better developer tooling that potentially might change the way we write software. That, by necessity, would affect FLOSS projects by applying automation that takes away “boring parts” and reduces the time that maintainers spend on their projects.

That is why it is very important to preserve the spirit and freedoms granted by FLOSS in this particular field. In science that is commonly known as Open Science: papers with results are available in public access.

And in the case of ML on Code, we think that the best way to do that is to promote and celebrate existing research results that are already open and include FLOSS source code for reproduction.

That is why we are hosting the ML on Code DevRoom at FOSDEM this year.

Some of the topics that we expect to see covered are:

source{d} is an open company that is committed to making research more accessible in many different ways including hosting a public Paper Reading Club, publishing papers, release resulting research projects in OSS.

With the ML on Code FOSDEM DevRoom this year we want to create a space where the community can get together and celebrate cutting-edge research projects that use FLOSS and are open source software themselves.

If you are working in this field — consider submitting a talk!

Come join us on Feb 3rd in Brussels!

