Top Ten Trending Open Source Projects

For the first half of 2024

C. L. Beard


You can solve a lot problems using open source software. In this post I cover for the most part Github projects that are more the cookbook type. What Imean by that is they are collections of projects under a bannner name. So this post could be titled Trending Github Project Collections. But I chose top ten for 2024 so far because these are some of the most useful AI Github projects that are curently being maintained on Github. I hope you find a project that is useful or a project you want to contribute to.

For Further Reading:

This AI Writer Covers Every Use Case

8 Useful Github Projects

4 Hugging Face Research Papers

Build a Business Using These Four Tools

I also write an AI newsletter BrainScriblr that is free to subscribe.

If you want a list of AI Note-Taking apps try this post. (Non-affiliate list)

Diffsynth studio

DiffSynth Studio is an open-source diffusion engine for video and image synthesis. It restructures…



C. L. Beard

I am a writer living on the Salish Sea. I also publish my own AI newsletter, come check it out.