Go to Spaceship Media
Spaceship Media
Using journalism to reduce polarization, build communities, and restore trust in journalism.
Note from the editor

Using journalism to reduce polarization, build communities, and restore trust in journalism.

Go to the profile of Kaylee Fagan
Kaylee Fagan
SF-based journalist and content creator for @spaceship_media. Coffee enthusiast, lover of all things in floral print, was probably a jellyfish in a past life.
Go to the profile of Adriana García
Adriana García
Director of Innovation Spaceship Media | @JSKStanford 2017 | Pro: problem solver, typographer, New Orleanian. Amateur: mom, cocinera, linguist, border kid.
Go to the profile of Alyxaundria Sanford
Alyxaundria Sanford
Journalist. Clevelander in NYC. @sanfordreports
Go to the profile of Kristine Villanueva
Kristine Villanueva
Journalist with a punk rock heart. Engagement editor + strategist: News Ambassadors. Prev: ProPublica, Resolve Philly, Public Integrity, POLITICO
Go to the profile of Trey Poché
Trey Poché
Moderator & Content Generation @ Spaceship Media
Go to the profile of Cailley LaPara
Go to the profile of Eve Pearlman
Go to the profile of Ian Sumner
Ian Sumner
Ian Sumner is California based journalist, filmmaker, and podcaster.
Go to the profile of Adriana García
Adriana García
Director of Innovation Spaceship Media | @JSKStanford 2017 | Pro: problem solver, typographer, New Orleanian. Amateur: mom, cocinera, linguist, border kid.
Go to the profile of Anahita Mukherji
Anahita Mukherji
Independent Journalist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Former Assistant Editor at The Times of India. SOAS (University of London), Xavier's, Sophia alum.