Keto Tortillas

Rachel Lett
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2019

Move over wheat, there’s a new tortilla in town. These tortillas are perfect parcels for your favourite Mexican food. Try them out with this guacamole and chilli con carne. Nutritional ketosis doesn't mean you miss out on your favourite foods—it makes them that little bit better!

Nutrition (based on 1 tortilla)

Fat : 7.3g
Protein : 3.7g
Net Carbohydrate : 1.8g
Calories : 96kcal

makes 8 small tortillas


100g almond flour (ground almonds)
25g coconut flour
2 teaspoons xantham gum
1 teaspoon bicarbonate soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
1 egg
3–4 teaspoons of water


  • Add all the dry ingredients to the blender and blitz to combine
  • With the blender still running, add the apple cider vinegar slowly (so that it’s evenly distributed). Then add the egg and water till the dough forms a ball.
  • Knead the dough for 1–2 minutes until it comes together. The dough will be sticky, so you may need to wrap the dough in a zip lock back, or cling film, and then knead.
  • Allow the dough to rest for 10 minutes. This will allow the coconut to absorb the water.
  • Divide the dough into 8 or 4 pieces, depending on how big you want them. 8 pieces will make small tacos.
  • Roll each dough ball into a round, about the thickness of a 50p piece. If you want them neat, you can trim the edges and save them for your final tortilla. Otherwise, keep them rustic!
  • Heat a heavy based frying pan, or skillet over a medium to high heat. You want the pan nice and hot so that they cook quickly, and don’t dry out. Once hot, add the tortilla and cook for 10–15 seconds until nicely golden and charred. Flip the tortilla and cook on the other side. It’s important to not over cook the tortillas; otherwise they will lose their softness.
  • Once cooked, transfer to a hot plate covered with a damp tea towel (this will stop the drying).
  • Serve with guacamole, pulled chicken, scallions, some crunchy lettuce and your favourite chilli oil or sauce. Or play around with it and add what you fancy!

These tortillas are best eaten straight from the pan, but the dough will happily rest in the fridge for a couple of days. Make a big batch and cook them, as you need them!

Bon App!

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