Sparkster answers community questions

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6 min readMar 18, 2019

On Friday 15th March a live AMA was conducted where members of the community asked Sparkster questions. We have prepared the transcript below. The full video can be viewed here:

Sparkster’s AMA

How many exchanges are you planning on listing Sparkster?

We are planning to list SPRK on as many exchanges. In terms of specifics, we have several exchanges lined up but at the same time I want to draw your attention to this reality which is the truth that our exchanges want to make sure that they’re the first ones who announced this. You can probably appreciate how that is the case with respect to exchanges.

Do you have a plan for unlock and are you considering and spoken to Binance or other top exchanges regarding a listing?

With respect to Binance, yes indeed and I’ve kind of alluded to that in the previous question but in terms of an unlock plan I’m going to be delivering that specifically towards the end of this AMA.

When can we expect a mainnet video guide explaining how everything works and some examples of development.

We will be delivering you an entire series of tutorial videos that will tell you all about how the platform works and how the tokens integrate with the platform. That will be delivered to you towards the end of April.

Can you briefly share with us what kind of things you have ready to launch with an unlock? We don’t need specifics but what is your plan to achieve a successful launch? Wallets, Partnerships, etc

I’m going to lay out this entire plan but the short gist of this is token integration and once we have token integration we will release the platform itself for users.

We also have the exchange conversation that’s taking place and ultimately that leads to an unlock and so we have some marketing procedures in place including youtubers.

What is your current situation with Credits?

I spoke to credits just yesterday our standing is great with them, we have

a great relationship with them. In fact I spoke with them at length and they were explaining how they had gone through similarly to what we’re going through. They have gone through this and they actually gave us some great advice. They said said communication is key, we couldn’t agree more. We are further exploring an extension of our partnership, and a further collaboration. Credits have some exciting stuff going on and their end. Things couldn’t be better with Credits.

Is the money Saj invested in Sparkster to pay costs on a monthly basis seen as an investment by Saj or a Loan?

This is seen as an investment. This shows how much Saj believes and is confident about this project.

What date will the new website be ready?

The new website will be ready by April 26th.

Is the team considering Binance Dex since the listing fee is cheap $100k but is high profile?

This is something that is currently on the table.

Will you consider promoting sparkster unlock with different crypto YouTube’s, something like ankr did before the unlock?

Yes absolutely, we certainly are and we’ll be doing that. This is a very big part of our marketing strategy.

When will there be more details about the partnerships and tech?

I’ll reiterate this and the reality is we have partnerships lined up and and we are waiting for our collaborators to make the announcements on their end and

there’s a very particular and specific reason for this. As they are prominent companies and they’re very careful about how they disseminate information and we want to be respectful of that we cannot precede them in making our announcements.

This may may take some time and that’s the reality of the matter in terms of technology I’ll be laying that out in further detail but certainly in q2 and and q3 will be getting major releases and more information with respect to that as our technology rules out we’re going to be giving you detailed articles as well as tutorials on all aspects of the technology so stay tuned for that.

Regarding a medium tech article that was promised already 3 weeks ago that addresses token utility and integration on hardware nodes, Libelium kits and no code platform?

I do apologize for the delay sincerely on we will be giving you video tutorials on on the integration aspect on how that the tokens work with the platform. On all those things that you mentioned terms integration and on the hardware nodes all of these things will be addressed shortly.

Did Sparkster sell any tokens to US citizens?

We have been extremely clear about this from the beginning through our rigorous KYC AML process. Sparkster did not sell any tokens to US citizens, in fact we made sure that we did not sell tokens to several citizens of several countries including China Sanction Nations and including definitely the United States

In fact we’ve even had geo locations we’ve blocked IPs from certain

Nations those ones that were not accepted, so we have made every precaution from our end to ensure that US citizens does not participate as well as citizens of other countries such as China and Sanction Nations.

Where any influencers paid by Sparkster? where any refunded?

No influencers were paid a dime by Sparkster, neither where they refunded so that’s the short answer to that did.

When will the team’s tokens be released?

We have been really clear about this from the start. The team’s tokens will be locked for two years after unlocked for the general public.

Any type of allegation that we’re trying to draw this out for example in some way, is unfounded and baseless.

What happened with Ian Ballina and did you issue him a refund?

Ian is an investors of ours and we have a good relationship with him. We had a fundamental difference of opinion with Ian. He had a particular view on when unlock should happen but like any investor of ours he has a view and he has an opinion and we respect that and he’s entitled to that. There’s absolutely no doubt about that

and we didn’t really see eye to eye on that matter but nonetheless we’re in communication, were in constant communication with Ian and we respect his view.

I’ve already said nobody’s been paid or has anyone been refunded so he has not been refunded, but again I can’t stress the point enough that we didn’t pay any influencer a dime and especially not Ian so if you’re making allegations against him that he’s been paid please knock it off it’s absurd, it’s unfounded and it’s unreasonable.

Can you please explain how masternodes work and how will people be able to stake their tokens?

With respect to masternodes I mentioned this in previous AMAs but I’ll remind you here that we haven’t changed anything in terms of our strategic direction, our masternodes are simply storage and compute nodes.

Why are these needed? In terms of one of the problems that we’re solving at Sparkster that is the issue of latency, Hardware nodes are geo located close to where that data is. Hardware nodes allow us to realize that vision, they actually helped us achieve that goal by making sure that the nodes are close to where the data lies, what this allows us to do is cut latency issues or delays in half essentially and lower latency or lower delays.

Here is an example, in an emergency management system, there are ambulances and there’s an accident that’s happened on the road and lives are at stake.

Lower latency means saving lives and when you have Hardware nodes that are actually in closer physical proximity to the data you’re able to get that information out to those emergency management systems and you’re actually able to save lives so that’s really the essence of what Hardware nodes are. I want to emphasize there they’re still storage and compute nodes, nothing about that’s change but you may desire more so we will be releasing an article in detail on Hardware nodes, how they work, that will be delivered towards the end of q2 beginning of q3 you’ll have that information with respect to all the details about Hardware nodes.


Bounty End: March 30th 2019

Leadership board: April 12th 2019

In the next few weeks, token integration will occur, and the platform will be released whilst having conversations with exchanges and ultimately unlock.

We are getting close to where we want to be.

With some of the unfounded allegations by individuals, these people are not token holders. We will be taking legal action, we have consulted legal counsel. I invite you to join us. We will be taking the strongest possible legal action.

All of this leads to what we have been waiting for, that is a date for unlock.

I am excited to share with that we at Sparkster have determined a date for unlock, that date is April 30th!

I would like to invite you, that is our community to really unite together and get together and make this the most successful unlock possible, the most successful launch possible to be united and at this point.

Thank you

Sparkster has also published a FAQ which contains more answered questions, you can find this here.

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