Geo-Python Package statistics in 2022 and the outlook for 2023

What does the data reveal?

Spatial Data Science


Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

Python is the most popular language in the world. In the Geospatial world, more new geo-python packages are created yearly. I have covered a few of them in my blog posts.

The informative infographic by Matt Forest uses the Python Package Index dataset and has summarised geospatial package downloads and a per cent increase from 2021 to 2022.

Image by Matt Forest

In 2022, we can see that new geospatial Python packages have gained popularity and have risen significantly. This data highlights the immense popularity of geospatial packages such as geemap and leafmap. Congratulations to Qiusheng Wu, who has created both libraries.

In conclusion to my article on June 7, 2021, introducing Leafmap, I have written the following:

I am excited about this new library, and I suspect this will be useful to many geospatial data scientists shortly. It is easy, intuitive, and packed with many tools in one place, so I believe this will develop and mature into a nice package soon.



Spatial Data Science

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