Cultivating Acceptance — A Powerful Tool to Deal with Depression

By applying acceptance, we take the drama out of the depression

Karsten Ramser
Speaking Bipolar
Published in
4 min readMay 21, 2024


After my article, The Holy Grail between Acceptance and Resistance, published in Speaking Bipolar, Scott Ninneman asked me how I achieved acceptance. With the following post, I would like to answer his question.

Acceptance came over the years

Acceptance was a process that grew over the years.
It wasn’t a conscious or specific decision I made; something like, I choose to accept whatever comes. I try to do it that way, but it doesn’t work.

Acceptance is the result of my spiritual understanding, my practice, and the realization that fighting life is pointless.

Before, acceptance seemed to me to be a sign of weakness, a way of losing the battle against the Tsunami of Negative Emotions that knocks me down twice a month. I was a fighter, trying to win with willpower, but in the end, depression was always the winner.

To understand how acceptance became a central tool, it is necessary to elaborate a little on my…

