My Life as a Bipolar| Mental Health Series

My Life as a Bipolar — Chapter 1

Manic Symptom #1 — Grandiosity

Kathy K
Speaking Bipolar
Published in
5 min readJul 29, 2023


Bipolar ladies
Bipolar Ladies — image created by author in Midjourney

Did you miss the introduction to this series? If so, you can find it here. Not a very long intro, won’t take you long to read, promise!


Mood swings are normal for most people depending on circumstances and situations that they find themselves in. Most people can control their moods quite easily but about 4.4% of the adult population has trouble with them. This is because that percentage, equally distributed across genders, have a serious mental illness called bipolar disorder.

I’m one of those 4.4% and didn’t realize it until very recently, less than a year ago, in fact. Turns out there are three types and the conclusive diagnosis is that I’m #2, definitely not #1 and probably not #3. If you don’t know the facts about the three types, here is a short description of each, bear with me as we go through these factual parts of the article. Hopefully the story at the end will solidify the facts in your mind so that you can understand better about the manic symptoms of bipolar disorder and specifically, grandiosity.


Bipolar disorders are described by the…



Kathy K
Speaking Bipolar

I write about mental health and fiction, mostly dystopian. Imaginatively unusual is preferable but not always possible for me.