July 2018 — Spectiv Progress and Updates

Dylan Senter
Published in
4 min readJul 28, 2018

This is Dylan Senter, CEO of Spectiv. I wanted to give an official update running through everything that has happened since the token sale, and everything currently happening now. Thank you for all of your support so far — we are looking forward to big things for Spectiv and the cryptocurrency space!

2018–2019 Roadmap: https://medium.com/spectiv-vr/spectiv-updated-roadmap-f0a832b9157a

Token Sale Details: Between the private and public sales, Spectiv sold over 11,000 ETH in Signal Tokens. All tokens were distributed to purchasers on February 1st.

Since the Token Sale: We work hard to stick to our timelines, and have been able to exceed expectations with regards to development and releases thus far.

April 3rd: Spectiv was invited to speak on cryptocurrencies with the TV show, American Dream, in San Diego, California. This is a nationally syndicated show and gave us an awesome opportunity to spread awareness and share the vision for the future of the cryptocurrency space. Skip over to 21:14 to see our talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l3dK6tC1e4

April 20th: We completely redesigned the Spectiv website and look! We launched www.spectiv.io, which put a more concise focus on our development plans for the VR platform and the Signal Marketplace. Ray Hernandez, our talented internal graphic designer was the lead on this project and we’re very happy with the results! Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

April 28th-29th: Spectiv partnered with the Emmys on the red carpet for the Daytime Emmy Awards. This is the first time in history that a VR company partnered with the Emmys for carpet interviews. This is something we are very proud to have accomplished.

On April 28th: Spectiv participated in the Emmys gifting suite, where we gifted Signal Tokens all the Daytime Emmy nominees and celebrities. This was an awesome opportunity to increase Hollywood awareness for cryptocurrencies and the future of Signal Tokens! We gave them token tickets with their own unique wallet addresses, private key, and instructions. They all loved the idea and were super excited to own their own Signal Tokens.

On April 29th, Spectiv was on the Emmys red carpet filming the celebrity interviews in full 360 VR. We brought out our 360 camera rig and partnered a professional celebrity interviewer on site. In addition to filming at the red carpet, the Emmys invited Spectiv CEO, Dylan Senter, to walk the red carpet as a guest. Interviewers were rushing to ask Dylan for his perspective on the cryptocurrency space and the future of VR. Some of these interviews can be found on the official Spectiv Youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tm8sXlfniiA

On May 12th, Spectiv officially released V2 of the Signal Marketplace alpha, https://signalmarket.io/. This release was a revamp from the original alpha, and added a ton of new features/functionality. Some of the new releases include: user portals for advertisers and influencers, revamped reward system, improved ad creation, and much more.

With the release of the Signal Marketplace, we have seen a major increase in adoption/use of Signal Tokens. There have been over 13,000 total transactions on the Signal Token blockchain, and there are currently over 3,300 unique holders of Signal Tokens. This further proves our vision for a decentralized advertising ecosystem, and demonstrates the use-case for the Signal Marketplace platform. We look forward to watching these numbers grow this year.

May 30th: Spectiv hit the national television wire with a major market segment on the TV show, Innovations. Spectiv is one of a small group of selected crypto companies who have been highlighted on this show over the past 6 months (among TenX, etc.). This episode of Innovations aired on the History Channel. View our segment here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3A2Th02sCI

June 25th: Following the airing on the History Channel, Spectiv’s Innovations segment aired on CNBC on June 25th. This aired to millions of American households who got the opportunity to learn more about Spectiv as a company. This was an incredible step towards building awareness around Signal Tokens and Spectiv VR.

Future Updates: We have had a lot of productive conversations about the future of Spectiv and our priorities. Our current focus is working towards releasing the long awaited official VR platform. This is going to be a MAJOR update and overhaul from our prior beta and alpha versions. We have been working on this from mid-May until now, with an expected release at about mid-August. We are very excited to bring you guys this release, and with it, a complete aesthetic rebranding. Here is a sneak preview of what it will be like:

New Spectiv VR Homepage
Video Page
Spectiv VR Mobile

2018–2019 Roadmap: https://medium.com/spectiv-vr/spectiv-updated-roadmap-f0a832b9157a

Conferences: We have attended several conferences since the completion of our token sale in order to spread awareness about Spectiv and Signal Tokens. Here are some conferences we’ve attended since the token sale:

Feb 28th — Mar 3rd: Polycon

Mar 14th — Mar 16th: Consensus

June 26th — June 28th: Blockchain Expo Europe

