Success story: Being mindful of my money

Spendee: when your money talks
3 min readFeb 18, 2019

This week, we have talked to our user Laura, an owner of Healing to Happy company who shared with us how is Spendee helping her to reach her financial goals. Laura is currently located in Bangkok, Thailand and she is helping people heal their depression/anxiety/imbalances through balancing their gut because the two are so closely connected.

Laura, how long have you been using Spendee?

I have been using Spendee for about three years now.

What are your habits when it comes to Spendee?

Honestly, sometimes I forget to use it but lately, I’ve been really about keeping track of where my money is going and how I am spending my money.

I’m keeping a better eye on everything and I’m religious about using Spendee.

I’m really trying to make 2019 the year that I focus on my finances. I’ve always been good with it, but this year as I launch my own company I’m keeping a better eye on everything and I’m religious about using Spendee.

How is Spendee helping you in your everyday life?

It makes me more mindful of my purchases. Sometimes when you’re just going about your day you get lost in where you spend your money or how much everything truly adds up. So knowing what my budget for the day is and how I’m going to allocate that has been super helpful.

And I love that pie chart!

What is your main motivation/goal with Spendee?

To be more mindful. I know the majority of where my long-term finances and major spending is going but the day to day always gets me! I love that this handy app is just a quick input that has lasted me for years. It’s been crazy insightful to see how much has changed in three years and it helps me celebrate the little things I would have forgotten. (Like spending money on groceries instead of wine hahaha).

What is your financial goal for this year?

This app helps to keep me accountable while also allowing that play area we all need.

To be stable. It’s always been about making money to spend it, but now I run a company and I need to make sure myself and my team are paid. This app helps to keep me accountable while also allowing that play area we all need. Business and pleasure.

Are you using all features Spendee offer or only specific ones?

Just the general input ones. I use the pie charts and compare them along with the budget. Thank you for creating an app that is helping me thrive and continue to grow financially by bringing more mindfulness to my day-to-day. I and my clients all use it!

For more stories, read the interview with Krystyna, our user from Poland.



Spendee: when your money talks

Personal finance app that gets your money into shape. Connect your bank. 💳 Track & analyze & budget your finances. 💰Download app here: