Time Management Quiz: Secondary Research #2

Joseph Patterson
Spice Up Your Time Management Skills
2 min readMar 6, 2018

Time management seems to be a prevalent problem with my generation, I make this claim since time management is the top topic my fellow peers, including myself, chose for this project. With that in mind there were a lot of other blogs about time management I came across with lots of information that I already knew from my research and lots of new information as well. I came across a blog by fellow student Aaron Goldstein, who as well chose time management as the focus of his project. In his first primary research post, Aaron takes a quiz that rates his time management productivity and he explains with the results what his strength and weaknesses are. The quiz consists of 16 questions and the scores are divided up into 3 separate categories ranging from 16–36 as needing improvement, 37–58 is on the right track, and 59–80 as excellent time management.

After taking the quiz, Aaron talks about what the quiz determined as his greatest weaknesses and his greatest strengths. For example, Aaron Goldstein writes “My biggest strengths were attitude and information integration. Attitude is your approach to work and Information Integration is how quickly you identify information. Both of these strengths are very helpful in improving your time management because having a good attitude increases engagement to the work and good Information Integration increases the speed and quality your project is done in.” (Goldstein Primary Research #1 blog post). In other words, he talks about his greatest strengths, attitude and information integration, and how those further apply to him improving his time management skills.

I never would have thought there would be a quiz that would rate your time management productivity and with that in mind that sounds like a very interesting and useful tool not only for his research but for mine as well. The fact this quiz tells you exactly what you’re doing right (strength) and what you’re doing wrong (weakness) gives you an insight on what precisely you need to work on and what skills you do have that you can use to improve yourself. Even though many of us already knew for gist of what we were doing right and wrong when it comes to time management, this quiz gives you an outside opinion which is always useful. However back to Aaron specifically with his greatest strengths being attitude and information integration in conjunction to the further research he is doing there’s no doubt he can improve his time management skills with his high engagement to his work and good efficiency to which he does work. I will for sure be taking this quiz in order to gain that outside perspective as to what my strengths and weakness are and what techniques I can use to improve my time management skills.

Aaron Goldstein’s blog post: https://medium.com/time-managment/primary-research-1-1aec29f7377a

