Why your work is not yet done when you hit the “publish” button


You created compelling content and put your distribution channels to work to make sure it is seen and read by as many people as possible. By now, you would think this particular task is DONE. You probably feel like you can grab a cup of coffee, lounge outside, and enjoy some “me-time”. Finally! After countless hours jotting down your thoughts, revising your language over and over again, and looking for different sites to strategically place your content, you would think the hard part is over.

Think again! Once again, I am here to say: sorry, your work is not yet done!

I know, I know. You have had enough of this and are ready to move on to the next item on your (ever-growing) list. I get it. I have been there. Heck, I am in the same position every week when I write my own article, but stay with me. We are almost there.

The next step, and one of the most important ones from a marketing perspective, is to start analyzing the results. What does that mean? You need to know which channel(s) brought you the:

- highest number of views

- most reads of the articles

- most likes, comments, and shares



Veronica Guguian, decoding stories into strategies
SPIN Ideas

I am a Marketing Strategist and a food lover. I started SPIN Ideas because I am passionate about stories. See more about what I do here: https://spinideas.nl/