Life Lesson/Spirituality

Dealing With Life’s Challenges

🥰Lanu Pitan🥰
Spiritual Secrets
Published in
4 min readJul 4, 2021


Life has many issues to bring one down, but what really brings one down is one’s attitude

Image by John Hain from Pixabay

Most people have the wrong opinion about life. The reality is that life is a school, and so we will always undergo some examinations and tests in life. Some will be so hard on us that we might want to give up, and completely get discouraged. Our life is such that all help is available for the kind of challenges we will meet, and the roadmap is prepared for us in order to navigate with the least problems. That is the love that life offers everyone. Let us look at some great minds that try to encourage us on our journey in life.

“Life is not always perfect. Like a road, it has many bends, ups and down, but that’s its beauty.” Amit Ray.

Although the pathway of life need not necessarily be paved with thorns, as most believe, the unfortunate thing is that humanity learns more through hardship than through pleasure. Everyone has a low point at one time or the other. And always remember that whatever you are going through is not new in life. Some have gone through a similar thing, some are currently going through it, while others will do so in future.

Endeavour to speak out and ask for help if need be. Asking for help is a strength in a time of personal crisis. Also allow yourself to grieve, feel bad, bitter, angry or whatever comes out. Suppressing your feelings can be counterproductive. That is how to grow better through the challenges of life. If we are determined, we will see the beauty of it all and be grateful.

“Sometimes you learn, grow and give far more when your back’s against the wall.” Rasheed Ogunlaru

Some have wondered why this happens. It is because the spirit is more humbled by challenges, and can therefore easily take in lessons of life than when things are going smoothly for us. Challenges make us go within, ponder and get curious in our quest for solutions.

It is human to want to avoid challenges, and take an easy way out of our situation. An easy way may not always be the best. The best way is to remain calm and go within. Indeed it is during the period of calmness that solutions always come. Calmness heightens our receptivity and helps us navigate life better. And change is always for the better.

but if you are up for it…the change you make may be just what you need to make your life shining!” Micaela Becattini.

The Takeaways

  1. Resist Revenge or Vengeance — It is never in the best interest to want to level up or take any revenge on anyone, we think might have offended us. Rather we should look at the lessons in the whole scenario. We should be willing to show empathy and sympathy on the basis that people do wrong things out of ignorance. If we are open to learning, life will always instruct us.

“Before you cut down the tree, think of the birds that take refuge on it”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

2. Challenges and obstacles are there to strengthen us — If we have the right attitude about our challenges, they will surely strengthen us. But the choice is with us, we can either lie low to learn what life is teaching us, or continue to complain and be blinded to its teaching. Experiencing is the best teacher.

“Obstacles? Don’t be Stopped by them be Strengthen by them” Bernard Kelvin Clive

3. Materialism Blinds Reality — The love of money is injurious to the soul because it encroaches on it. We should therefore be careful in our quests in life. How much is enough is a question we need to examine daily in life.

“Life is less a burden without an absolute quest for material possessions”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

4. Have the right attitude always — Go ahead, have the right attitude to any issue you may encounter in life, as it will help you triumph ultimately. Attitude is the power and oil to move your motor of life forward. And you will be happy about it.

“Discovering and fulfilling your personal destiny is life’s ultimate challenge and its greatest reward.” Paul O’Brien

Thank you, Darshak Rana, for today’s Spiritual Secret Prompt, ‘’Spiritual Quotes For Life’s Lessons’’

