The Spiritual Saturday Prompt

The Basic Theory Of The Mind’s Attraction

Our mind processes the information from our thoughts, which is energy and vibration

🥰Lanu Pitan🥰
Spiritual Secrets


The Mind Processing information from our thoughts; Image from

The Basic Science Of The Mind

The basic theory of the mind is such that the Universe responds to what we constantly think in our mind. It responds by manifesting it into the physical. We all have this mind processing power, but most do not either realise it or do not know how to utilize it.

Most of us erroneously believe that some are lucky because they have opportunities in their lives while others are not so lucky. Yet the Universe does not discriminate at all. For instance, when the Sun shines, it shines for all. Some do not like the sun, and go under a shade, while others bathe in it. It is what you choose to do with the sunshine, but the sun will shine nevertheless.

The mind power is to direct your thoughts to what you want in life. You choose and decide that. If you focus on fear, negativity and rejection, it will flow back to you. Same as the opposite, if you focus on successes, love joy, healing, etc. You attract what you constantly focus on.

Start By Changing Your Mindset

The fact that every thought inside you is the vibration of the energy you put out, it is obvious that this is where to start the cleansing if you want a better life. Unfortunately, most do the opposite, working tirelessly for a solution that their mindset has created and affirmed. It is never going to work out. Rather let your mind align with the beliefs and then it is a lot easier to create success in the physical.

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” — George Bernard Shaw

This is true in whatever we want in life, good relationships, success, health and well-being, we need to train our minds in the expectation of the best, while tearing off the occasional negativity that may appear. These negativities are fear, what if it doesn’t happen, what if he/she doesn’t love me, what if the business fails etc. Ensure that the dominant thoughts in your mind are always positive.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristole

Our Thoughts Ultimately Affect What Happens To Us

Most of us go through with little or no regard for our thoughts. For example, our passion, our fears, our beliefs, our hope, and our love. These thoughts are what our minds process, and if we are nonchalant about it, then we will have to live with the consequence of what our thoughts manifest. Simply put, our thoughts have a powerful influence on our lives.

The mind is both conscious and the subconscious. Think of the conscious mind as a gardener that tends the soil of the subconscious. So what we sow in the subconscious mind we reap. The subconscious is incredibly fertile soil and grows what you put into it. The subconscious has no analytical algorithm like the conscious mind, it just responds to what is put there. It is therefore important that we sift what eventually reaches the subconscious level.

The Energy In The Universe

Science has now confirmed that the Universe is made of vibration of energy, and we are part of it, all connected together. This means we live within a sea of responsive vibration, and it is up to us to guide our both conscious and subconscious to tape into its creative world.

“Health goes beyond our physical body. It is not just about what we put in our bodies or take out of it, it is also about our emotions and how we are feeling spiritually.” Katherine Hurst

There are ways people tend to positively control the mind. The popular ones are by affirmation, the law of attraction, positive mind power, acknowledging and eliminating Negative Thinking.

The Takeaways

All thoughts turn into physical manifestation eventually. It is best to focus on the positives at all times.

The Universe is there to support us. There is abundance in Nature, there is no restriction, there is enough for everyone.

Life is a blank canvas, you control the picture you want to manifest in your life.

“The mind has a powerful way of attracting things that are in harmony with it, good and bad.” Idowu Koyenikan,

Thank you, Darshak Rana, for today’s Spiritual Secret Prompt, ‘THE MIND’

