The Random Act Of Kindness

🥰Lanu Pitan🥰
Spiritual Secrets
Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2020


The random act of kindness no matter how small has a tremendous impact

Photo by Étienne Godiard on Unsplash

What Is Random Act Of Kindness (RAK)?

The Random Act Of Kindness is where you have a spur out of the blues moment, (that is not premeditated) to show kindness to someone, without them asking for it, without you expecting any return, not even a thank you. This is because you left immediately after, without staying around the person, or the person realising it after you have left the scene.

I have an example of my friend, who was supported by a barrister in her case against a foreclosure. This barrister came into court that day, wanted to defend a case without being paid. He did win the case, gave my friend a number, that was ‘’false’’ because he did not want to be thanked for it. The impact on my friend is indescribable up to this day as she continuously wells up in gratitude.

‘’My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.’’ Dalai Lama

With RAK, it is something that comes to you in a spur of the moment, because you were in a place, and you come across an incident or people that wells up kindness in you, and without much thinking, you do your part, and immediately leave the scene.

What RAK Is Not

The Randon Act of Kindness is not our usual practice of gift-giving, (like Christmases, birthdays, and those special occasions). People are already in high expectations during these celebrations. Hence you have loads of wish lists and requests flying around during these seasons. People are generally in high expectation from ‘’whoever’’ is able to come to their aid, so you have some rich people or celebrities trying to fulfil these wish lists.

You have various requests in social media, for example, crowd-funding, requests for medical expenses, accommodations, meals, college fees, charitable donations etc that we participate in are not RAK, even if we do so anonymously.

RAK is not requested for. You come across a need, you immediately want to help, no one asks you to help, you decide in a spur of a moment to help. You left before the person even realise it.

I say these are not RAK because gift-giving seems to induce expectation of reciprocity. You found charitable organisation expressing appreciation to……..for a kind donation, announcing so many pounds from ……… In RAK, those we offered help don’t even know who we are, and often realise that help after we have left the scene.

How we can incorporate RAK into our lives?

We go out every day, we see issues, we observe events, there must be one of those that will motivate us to act. Examples are, (not exclusive though),

In a supermarket check-out, you see someone returning essential items for lack of money, here you can step to pay for those essential food items.

When you go to eat out, take a pack, and lookout for a homeless you can give it to.

Do you have a neighbour that you know is struggling? You can help out by dropping food vouchers into their letter-boxes.

There is always an opportunity for kindness, look for it.

“How would your life be different if…You stopped making negative judgmental assumptions about people you encounter? Let today be the day…You look for the good in everyone you meet and respect their journey.” Steve Maraboli.

Kindness Impacts On Our Mental Health

There are various studies that indicate that kindness positively impact on our mental health. We feel loved and valued if someone shows us kindness and this makes us happy as well. Hence it releases the love hormone, that is kind to our brain.

And to us as well, it reduces our stress and gives us the feeling of being useful as a member of society.

