‘How To’ videos are the most popular content on YouTube

Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2018

Some 86 percent of YouTube viewers say they regularly turn to the platform to learn something new, according to statistics by Google.

So called ‘how to’ videos, where the YouTuber is explaining something or advising their viewers, gain the most attention on YouTube, more even than music or gaming.

For marketing purposes, this is an important point to note. It means that audiences are not simply looking for entertainment on YouTube, but also new knowledge or niche knowledge on a specific topic.

If brands are contemplating collaborating with YouTube creators to produce a branded YouTube video it is definitely worth considering making a ‘how to’ format to secure more views.

Taking this route with your marketing would also ensure you are producing valuable, audience centric content that your viewers are more likely to watch to the end and have a positive reaction about afterward.

Read this article for more on why branded content in 2018 has to provide value to viewers.

Take the back to school yearly trend for example (learn more about the trend in this blog post).

The Google statistics tell us that 74 percent of mothers are open to YouTube videos by brands when seeking guidance on parenting topics. More specifically, 68 percent of parents who watch YouTube say they are open to receiving back to school advice from brands.

These are high percentages for brands to take advantage of, the audience is already there and thirsty for content on the topic.

Making a ‘how to’ themed video during the peak of the back to school trend would capture what these viewers — your target customers — are looking for and they will appreciate your brand all the more for it.

To produce it, you can either make it yourself or work with an established YouTube creator. While there is more control if you make and publish the video yourself, you can win time, a larger audience and a more engaged viewership if you work with a creator.

Branded videos are now in a place where we can predict the time to publish a video for the most views according to the trending topics of YouTube and now with the reams of data available we can understand the type of video that will go down best with your target customers thus leading to more efficient and effective marketing.

For more on the latest trends and creators exploding YouTube, check out the Sponsokit website — updated daily!

