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Spontaneous Order
Spontaneous Order
A Centre For Civil Society Initiative
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CCS in Forbes India

An article in Forbes India by Vipin P. Veetil and Bill Glod cite information gathered at CCS among other sources.

Echoing arguments I made in an earlier post, they argue against Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo of Poor Economics, who “argue that government…


Centre for Civil Society’s very own Bhuvana Anand has published a piece in the New York Times International Weekly summarizing the big issues and contradictions in current Indian policy and political philosophy.

“After the release of the latest round of data…

Who needs think tanks

Kanti Bajpai has a very thoughtful piece on the role of think tanks generally and also particularly in a democracy like India. He concludes:

“As a progressive and democratic society, India must invest in more and better think tanks. The public good requires the…

School Choice National Conference Address

The Team CCS put together a great School Choice National Conference. The conference videos, photos, ppts are getting ready to go online, in the meanwhile you may read the opening talk i gave there. As often is the case, i enjoy more crafting the talk than…

Jago Party & Education Reforms

Among all parties, the Jago Party offers education reform ideas (see Q 14 and 15 in the FAQs) that are closer to the School Choice Campaign. Well, they actaully go a step further and suggest privatisation of all state schools! They decentralise the education system by…