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Spontaneous Order
Spontaneous Order
A Centre For Civil Society Initiative
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Mint reports today that cabinet has approved changes in titling law that will make ownership of land more transparent by introducing amendments to the Registration Act of 1908. The act governs the registration of documents and sales transactions for movable and immovable property within the country…

10th Jeevika: Asia Livelihood Documentary Festival Announced

Economist Hernando de Soto in his book “The Mystery of Capital” demonstrates that living standards of the western economies rose and poverty was alleviated not by piecemeal solutions or stopgap measures. Living standards rose…

How to Think About Sweat Shops

After my post about my reservations about outlawing child labor, several comments I received made me realize that most people don’t understand the simple concept that outlawing a situation because it’s bad doesn’t mean that you’re helping someone. That people should always…

Prohibition of Child Labour: Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire?

This week, 26 children workers were arrested, removed from three textile factories, and put in state “child welfare homes” by the Save the Childhood Movement.

Can Social Technology Replace Capitalism with “Talentism”?

Klaus Schwab is quoted in Forbes as saying that “capital is being superseded by creativity and the ability to innovate….If talent is becoming the decisive competitive factor, we can be confident in stating that capitalism is…