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Rte Act

Spontaneous Order
Spontaneous Order
A Centre For Civil Society Initiative
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Children’s Day

Yesterday was Children’s Day and, to mark the occasion, one group in Delhi organized a protest demanding better implementation of the Right to Education (RTE) Act. They came with a list of demands — clean drinking water, cleaner toilets, tables and chairs, more teachers — and asked the government to…

Managing a school for free — a parental wish?

The Right to Education Act will soon be implemented (Apr 1, 2010) and that may be all well since some of CCS’ earlier critique in the 2005 and 2009 Bills actually was taken into account. From formerly six new bureaucratic levels in the earlier Bills…

Are private schools better?

Join in on the debate between Vinod Raina (Member, Central Advisory Board of Education) and Parth Shah (President, Centre for Civil Society) on whether private schools do in fact have a role to play in the future of our children’s education.