10 things Summercamp taught us about life and business

Reflecting on a magical weekend when 120 entrepreneurs got together to learn how to build a business that places happiness as its core

Laurence McCahill
The Happy Startup School


By Laurence McCahill
Co-founder of The Happy Startup School

1. We need to slow down

We spend too much of our waking lives being fed information through screens. Taking a few days out to unplug, have meaningful conversations and get back to the things that matter is priceless.

2. Breaking bread together is powerful

Each evening we had 120 people sharing food and wine in the stunning barn and the conversation flowed. If only all networking was like this.

3. Sharing a unique experience builds community

We’ve had such incredible feedback from campers that now want to be part of a bigger community of likeminded people. Without a transformative weekend such as Summercamp this spirit would have been harder to come by. It feels like we’re at the start of something beautiful.

4. You shouldn’t be afraid to do business your way

We had some incredible speakers who’ve made a positive dent in the world, but they didn’t follow the rules. Don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo. Be brave, be yourself, be different.

5. “If you don’t know what to build, just start building”

Great quote from Laila Pawlak in her LEGO serious play session and great advice for business too.

6. Likeminded people + inspiring location = magic

It doesn’t matter which country you come from or what you’re looking to build or change. It’s about spending more time with people that believe in the same things you do and inspiring each other to do great things.

7. Life’s short, make it count

We heard heartfelt stories of love and loss, and how this makes us re-assess our priorities. Don’t wait for bad news to spark a change, be your own catalyst.

8. Be a giver not a taker

We strive for a culture of openness and kindness at our events and this was no more apparent than at Summercamp. We’ve never seen such a wilingness to share ideas and help each other when people have known each other for such little time. Amazing.

9. Danish clapping is a thing

Thanks to Sanderson we now are hooked on Danish clapping (even the Danish present hadn’t heard of it…).

10. Happy is the new rich ☺

Says it all.

Learn the path from passion to profits with a community of likeminded people on The Happy Startup Home School — our groundbreaking 4 week program for budding entrepreneurs and changemakers. More info and how to apply at home.thehappystartupschool.com



Laurence McCahill
The Happy Startup School

Designer, coach, entrepreneur. Co-founder The Happy Startup School.