A New Chapter Begins — Never Alone Mission 2: The Search for Etira is now live!

Star Atlas
Star Atlas
Published in
5 min readJul 18, 2023
The Story of The Medium Zone /// We Are Star Atlas /// A Metaverse in Development

The dark expanse of the cosmos enveloped the imposing MUD Central Space Station.

From behind a viewport, a Punaab sat in contemplative silence, watching the flickering lights of the port far below. His solitude was punctuated only by the occasional distant hum of departing ships and the eerie whisper of the wind that carried through the heights of the sky. The rest of the world seemed tranquil, his space-traveling partner included, but Saand’s mind was as active as a Mierese astrobard’s tentacles, clashing with the serenity around him.

Aware that sleep was an elusive entity, Saand sank into an armchair nestled in the corner of the room. He decided to channel his restless energy into something constructive.

He activated the A.I. embedded within his wrist bracelet and began to narrate:

“Dearest Diary,

Yesterday, I found myself in a spectacle rarely seen: The legendary Wandering Caravan show.

While the troupe is pretty mysterious by itself, its members wearing masks with strange numbers, what truly astounded me was the final act of the performance, themed ‘The Future.’

The initial acts, ‘The Past’ and ‘The Present,’ were already breathtaking displays of talent that left everyone in the audience stunned. Yet, the closing act was something entirely different.

The skies above the Volant Station erupted in a vibrant blaze of orange lights, and before my very eyes, a dreamlike cinematic display passed like a movie. It was as though glimpses of what lay ahead were revealed to me — a tomb aglow with luminescent motifs, a colossal fleet raining destruction upon a hapless planet, a hidden temple buried within the depths, a punaab haunting my visions, a deep pool radiating a myriad of hues, and finally, utter darkness…

Interestingly enough, my companion reported a very different experience, one of a crystalized planet with weird creatures. In fact, everyone seems to have had a unique, personalized encounter with the show, and the warnings of the Circus Master at the end were quite ominous as well…”

Saand paused, his mind grappling with the potential meanings of the spectacle. Despite his best efforts, he could not crystallize a conclusive interpretation.

He released a long sigh before re-engaging with his bracelet.

“Regardless, there’s little sense in dwelling on trips woven by space entertainers! As a Punaab, I prefer to rely on reason and logic, anchoring myself to the concrete. And the undeniable fact is, my memories are gradually returning!”

Saand rose from his chair, his smile reflecting the sense of accomplishment he felt. He had made significant progress over the months, journeying with his travel partner. He began to walk around the modest room, designed specially to cater to Punaabs.

“We’ve weathered much in a short span of time, and yet, my past is gradually revealing itself. While the full narrative remains a mystery, it’s evident I was once a being of diverse talents and capabilities!”

He paused, momentarily uncertain, pondering how best to articulate his peculiar circumstances.

“It’s a strange sensation, A.I. My body reacts instinctively in perilous situations, sometimes even before I’m conscious of the threat. Before I even noticed, I was using Peli sticks against villains.

The astonishing part is the seemingly infinite list of my inherent skills. Everything feels oddly familiar — mining, piloting, singing, dancing. Even the recognition of rare minerals and remote planets feels intuitive, as though I’ve experienced many adventures in the past.

Who was this previous version of Saand?

Whatever his identity, he was evidently a hard-working, curious individual, relentless in his quest for knowledge, crafting a temple from his own body. I owe it to him to honor this legacy.”

The soft pitter-patter of rain against the viewport gently permeated the room.

Saand approached the window, drinking in the tranquil views, a sudden wave of weariness washing over him.

“Oh, before it slips my mind, my encounter with the Caravan did stir a dormant memory. It’s becoming increasingly clear that I am destined to meet the Punaab from my visions! If I piece together the fragments, I can almost see it clearly — “ A gasp broke his sentence. “Ah, yes, Etira… that’s the name etched on the tree in the park. It’s not merely a name, I think it’s a location, maybe as big as a planet. I’m supposed to meet her there and reveal some undisclosed truth. But what could it be?”

Feeling the lure of his cozy bed, Saand surrendered to the inviting warmth and the soothing rhythm of the rain outside. As he allowed his eyes to finally close, he whispered:

“Good night, A.I. Tomorrow, we embark on our second mission: The search for Etira.”

Welcome to Never Alone, Mission 2, Captain!

After two months of action-packed quests and adventures through Galia Expanse, You and Saand have finally found a decisive clue to the Punaab’s past, the existence of Etira!

Although details still elude you, Saand had a date set over the mysterious planet, and now he must find his way into it. Nevertheless, the charismatic Punaab journey won’t be so easy because Etira hides outside of the gaze of the rest of the Galaxy — and the price for access is high.

As our Punaab wanders across Galia looking for answers, let us discuss the transition to the next chapter of Never Alone, starting with the timeline:

Considering the popularity of Never Alone, we have decided to extend the period in which players may acquire the mission one memories, allowing them to also participate in mission two and accrue all the memories necessary for the end-of-the-year prizes.

If you have already completed the quests in Mission 1, don’t worry. All your NFTs will be dropped by July 19th, whereas the next mission, The Search For Etira, begins a day before on July 18th.

This way, aside from following Saand’s story, you are also able to keep progressing in your Zealy quests by completing activities and obtaining the unique loot below, which is only available for those playing the Never Alone campaign!

Make sure to keep in mind that you will need to choose how you are going to spend the memories you collected in your travels with Saand. So make sure to decide whether you are getting the mission one rewards or saving them for the end-of-the-year loot, as disclosed in the original Never Alone announcement article.

The choice is yours.

Saand’s story is far from over, and his destiny is entwined with yours, Captain. Make sure not to fail your Punaab companion, as destiny has great things reserved for the two of you.

Play now the Mission 2 campaign over Zealy by clicking here.

And always remember: You are never alone.



Star Atlas
Star Atlas

Star Atlas is a metaverse introducing a unique gaming experience by harnessing the power of traditional core game and blockchain mechanics.