Go to Starbugs Weekly 星巴哥技術專欄
Starbugs Weekly 星巴哥技術專欄
一群技術人想要寫出一些好文章所建立的技術專欄。每週二一篇原創文章、一封電子報,歡迎大家訂閱!主網站: https://weekly.starbugs.dev/
Note from the editor

星巴哥技術專欄是由一群喜歡寫作的好夥伴,在文章中傳達自己對技術的熱愛的專欄。每週二發佈技術週刊,分享科技新知與原創文章,歡迎大家訂閱 https://weekly.starbugs.dev/。

Go to the profile of Luka Huang
Luka Huang
Go to the profile of smalltown
原來只是一介草 QA,但開始研究自動化維運雲端服務後,便一頭栽進 DevOps 的世界裏,熱愛鑽研各種可以提升雲端服務品質及增進團隊開發效率的開源技術
Go to the profile of Larry Lu
Larry Lu
我是 Larry 盧承億,傳說中的 0.1 倍工程師。我熱愛技術、喜歡與人分享,專長是 JS 跟 Go,平常會寫寫技術文章還有參加各種技術活動,歡迎大家來找我聊聊~
Go to the profile of 神Q超人
82 年次,單純相信努力不會騙人
Go to the profile of 被蛇咬到的魯卡
Luka 的技術筆記專用帳號,主帳號:https://lukajojo.medium.com/
Go to the profile of 莫力全 Kyle Mo
莫力全 Kyle Mo
什麼都想學的雜食性軟體工程師 🇹🇼 (https://github.com/kylemocode) 合作與聯繫 📪 oldmo860617@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Leo Chiu
Leo Chiu
每天進步一點點,在終點遇見更好的自己。 Instragram 小帳:@leo.web.dev
Go to the profile of Hannah Lin
Hannah Lin
A Front End Developer girl comes from Taiwan
Go to the profile of 施靜樺
Go to the profile of Andy Chen
Andy Chen
Go to the profile of Rico Chen
Rico Chen
Hello, my name is Rico and love CICD pipeline, IaC and Kubernetes. My personal blog: https://blog.rico.ninja/
Go to the profile of Chunting Wu
Chunting Wu
Architect at SHOPLINE. Experienced in system design, backend development, and embedded systems. Sponsor me if you like: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/MfGjSk6
Go to the profile of Ian Chen
Ian Chen
5G Software Engineer 個人網站:https://en67.space/
Go to the profile of 00如是說
Go to the profile of Moojing
Go to the profile of Chestermo
Graduated from NTU and worked as a Python backend engineer in Taipei.Passionate about Learning new technologies. github: https://github.com/Chestermozhao
Go to the profile of Ken Chen
Ken Chen
台北人。現職軟體開發者。主要領域為後端開發。喜歡電影藝術文學,偶爾寫點別的。想看更多的文章,可以到我的個人 Blog https://blog.kenwsc.com
Go to the profile of Douenergy
Go to the profile of ukyen
Python developer | GCP | AWS | CI/CD | Go | Pandas. I like to share what I learned. I enjoy writing and believe it is the best way to preserve knowledge.
Go to the profile of 岷錡/Mencher
Googler. UC Berkeley EECS Master Student. System Architect & Backend Engineer. President of 7th Mei-chu Hackathon, founder of Hackathon Taiwan Junior.