Everything Starseeds Do, They Do On Purpose.

Even actions that go against the grain or seem negative — you took on purpose and for an ultimate greater good.

Purusha Radha
Starseed Life


You may not think you’re that deliberate but you are.

A Starseed man walks a long and winding road lit with Light all the way.
Image generated at Midjourney by the author

People will judge you for your actions but they don’t know your indigenous path. And often we ourselves don’t consciously know many aspects of that path either.

It’s only many years later we look back and see how brilliant was that choice we made. It’s the brilliance of a Starseed.

Sometimes the actions we take on the surface don’t make a lot of sense to other people. We can’t care about that.

There are lots of reasons why Starseeds make decisions that may or may not make sense in the moment.

  • You feel you have karma to balance.
  • The situation you’re in is unhealthy.
  • There’s a lesson you want to learn.
  • It’s your destined path to make a shift away from the norm at that point in time.

This is only a partial list.

Starseeds have the courage to go against the grain.

