All It Takes to Change Your Life is a 3° Shift in the Now.

Purusha Radha
4 min readDec 31, 2023


Did you know? If you desire a massive transformation in your life, all it takes is to begin by making a tiny 3° shift? Whether it’s an elevation in your spiritual life, your finances, your health or your love life, it’s a mathematical given.

Mathematics underlies all of life and creation. And that math is ordered and principled and deliberate. We live in a mathematical universe of sacred geometry.

Phythagorus himself observed, “Everything is numbers.” And Kabbalah echoes this statement when it teaches that God the Infinite created the cosmos with words and numbers.

Think about it. The angle graph below demonstrates my point.

An angle graph plots a 3° angle with a red colored ray extending to infinity.

When you plot a 3° angle on an angle graph you draw a line or ray. The one I plotted is in red. A ray is a line that has one endpoint, but extends forever in one direction.

Imagine that line extending forever far beyond what I was able to diagram here.

You can see the space between 0° and 3° getting larger and larger. That space will expand to infinity.

See it as representing the degree of transformation you’ll realize simply by making a tiny 3° shift. It can be a shift of attitude, habits, thoughts or actions.

Whatever arena of your life you choose, this ever-expanding transformation will definitely occur. And that change will affect the other areas of your life in so many other positive ways too.

All it takes to change your life is a 3° shift in the Now.

Not just every year, but every second is a virtual Stargate waiting to transport us to expansive experiences. We go through these portals to begin again, adjust, or elevate our lives and ultimately, the world in some way.

You don’t have to do it all once. Just take one small step at a time. One step leads you to the next and the next and the next.

After 365 steps you turn around amazed to see the massive transformation you’ve made.

The tiny shift leads to a grand metamorphosis.

Metamorphosis is defined as:

a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means.

Your metamorphosis is at hand and it comes as a result of the smallest consistently practiced actions.

  • Begin meditating every day for 15 minutes. If you already do, consider learning to travel Stargates.
  • Sit often in contemplation of yourself. By doing so, you do what God the Infinite Itself did to create the multiverses.
  • Nourish, build and sharpen your mind. Begin feeding and supporting it with high minded texts and images. Don’t just surface read. Take them in deeply. Study them.
  • Start holding the Ideal of the Christ in your mind and heart.
  • Turn away from hounding thoughts of the past. Have a new constructive thought ready to immediately replace memories. (Memories are not thoughts. They’re dredged up recycled replays of past events and they’re not creative.)
  • Begin filling your Golden Garment of Light with the Sacred Names of God.
  • Commence a practice of affirmative prayer morning and night.
  • Move your body temple in daily exercise even if just for a few minutes. If you’re just beginning, tomorrow you’ll be able to do more.
  • Clean and organize your home safe sanctuary. It can spiritually support you.
  • Get yourself into nature. Let it speak its wisdom to you.
  • Appreciate every little thing. First the butterfly, then the chirping bird, then the pounding sea. Soon appreciation will take on a life of its own.

Gaze at your horizon but stay grounded in the here and now.

Too often we let the idea of change, metamorphosis and becoming our Greatness overwhelm us.

We look at what’s on our horizon and that’s good.

Just like when we drive a car, we don’t look at what’s one foot in front of us, we look out ahead. And the same concept applies here because we really and truly are driving our vehicles into infinity.

What we want to do though is not get overwhelmed thinking we must do everything at once or take it all in one big gulp. That takes our joy away and a spiritual life should always be joyful.

The spiritual life is a joyful journey of many deeply appreciated small steps. Each step is in itself a Stargate, a bright Light, a seed of wisdom and a pop of growth.

Take the small steps. Make the tiny 3° shift.

Mathematics proves that in months, a year, or only a few years (and we all know how fast time seems to fly) you’ll be amazed at where you’ve arrived.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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