Who should apply to Startmate?

Nick Crocker
Published in
3 min readApr 21, 2017

The 21 types of founders we’re looking for.

Great founders are great storytellers, doing their life’s work with resilience, and resourcefulness. They’re good people, with good habits around their products and customers, and an obsession with building company culture. They’re voracious learners, with sound judgment and the humility to pursue the truth above all else.

Great founders are fresh and strange. They’re exceptions to the rule.

Great founders emerge. The challenge of company building brings the great founders out of themselves.

Great founders are worth following.

If you’re one of those founders, it’s time to apply to Startmate Melbourne.

Startmate is Australia’s best startup accelerator.

You should click here to apply now.

If you’re wondering if you’re eligible to apply, here’s 21 kinds of founders we’re looking for…

Founders who haven’t raised money. We’ll give you $75k for 7.5% of your company.

Founders who have raised money. In the 2017 Startmate cohort, 85% of the teams had already raised. Remember, if you’ve raised $250,000 or more we’ll match the pre-money valuation of your last round of funding.

Founders who are awesomely technical. Did you know that the wi-fi chip in your iPhone was designed by the founders of Morse Micro (SM17)?

Founders who are non-technical. We have lots of non-technical teams that have gone on to be awesome (see: Edrolo SM13). We will help you find the right technical partner.



People from wildly different backgrounds. Your gender, race, ethnicity etc. will not factor in to our decision making. We just want meet the best people we can find.

Solo founders. Yes, if it’s just you, you can apply too.

Large teams. Honee (SM17) had 14 people when they did the Startmate.

Companies with product/market fit. We’ve had teams do the program who were already making $25k+ MRR.

Companies with just an idea. We can help you lock on to the product and the first customer.

Founders who are having a baby during the program. If you’re an awesome team (like Mentorloop), we’ll hustle with you to make it work.

Software companies AND hardware companies should apply. Hybrid hardware/software companies are awesome too.

Young founders. Our youngest founder ever was 21. See if you can beat that.

Old founders. #age #aint #nuthin #but #a #number.

Founders from the country. Hi.

Founders from the city. Hi.

First-time founders. Most of our founders are building companies for the first-time. We can help.

Serially successful founders. Some of our founders, like Rory from Propeller, or Nick Holmes a Court from GoodCall have had successes prior to Startmate. We can help.

Founders from interstate. Tasmania, WA, the NT, QLD, SA, NSW, VIC… Come one, come all.

Australian founders who are currently overseas. Come on back, the water’s nice :)

Read more about what’s next for Startmate here.

You can apply to Startmate right now!

We can help.



Nick Crocker

General Partner @BlackbirdVC. Sequencing the journey to build strength along the way.