Go to Startup Colors Magazine
Startup Colors Magazine
Innovation is driven by diversity, boldness and the willingness to change. And yes, innovation is new, sometimes crazy and has many colors.
Note from the editor

Innovation is driven by diversity, boldness and the willingness to change. And yes, innovation is new, sometimes crazy and has many colors.

Go to the profile of Maren Lesche
Maren Lesche
Founder @startupcolors.com, Ecosystem Building @ #IntellIoT, Head of Incubation @Vision Health Pioneers Incubator, #mentor, #storyteller #networker
Go to the profile of Kat Loughrey
Kat Loughrey
All about daring (remote) leaps, digital life, and dance music. ✌️
Go to the profile of Susa Horvath
Susa Horvath
co-founder of ZenZen diabetes companion app
Go to the profile of Maren Lesche
Maren Lesche
Founder @startupcolors.com, Ecosystem Building @ #IntellIoT, Head of Incubation @Vision Health Pioneers Incubator, #mentor, #storyteller #networker