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How Twitter Has Helped Me

Phillip Yang
Published in
4 min readAug 29, 2015


Edit: Updated to include few other things

With all the buzz about Twitter these days, I thought I’d write a post regarding my personal view on Twitter, and how it has helped me. I never was really a big Twitter user, let alone any other social media platform back in the day besides Facebook. Yes, I created my Facebook account back in 2004, while in college when Facebook became a huge hit. Before that, I was a semi-hardcore Xanga user (for those who don’t remember Xanga or don’t know of it, you can visit here). I never really got into MySpace — thought it wasn’t for me. When Twitter became such a hit, I didn’t jump on the bandwagon as others did. The whole 140 character limitations wasn’t as appealing, and I thought Facebook was way cooler and easier to stay in touch with friends back then.

However, fast forward to present day, I no longer use Facebook. I made my first Twitter account back in 2013, and haven’t stopped using it since. Of course, in the beginning it was a bit difficult for me to get used to. Writing my thoughts out in 140 characters was a tough task for me to do. On top of that, I didn’t know much about ‘following’ and ‘hashtagging.’ Since I didn’t have any followers, I was a bit bummed. Just like Facebook, Twitter is a social network. It’s no fun if you don’t have peers to share stuff with. No matter, it didn’t stop me from continuing to use Twitter. As I engaged with the platform more, I realized its power and purpose. Users would Tweet left and right, and I could see it all unfold in front of me in ‘real-time.’ Twitter became a global platform that enabled users to express their feelings, concerns, situations, and more — in real time. News stations, magazines and brand retailers, were all Tweeting because it meant getting in front of their users in a flash.

As I started following accounts while Tweeting and Re-Tweeting relevant stuff that I felt were important to me, I started gaining a few followers here and there. I’m a big mobile user, and to be able to read articles and get information that never seemed to stop, became a big turn on for me. As I used the platform more, I realized that it was a platform that I needed to stay engaged in as much as I could, as an entrepreneur. With it being a tech-savvy world, with all the startups and unicorns plopping up left and right, Twitter became my go-to-source to learn about the latest tech, industry trends, and how other entrepreneurs were running their businesses. What was even better, was that I could follow influencers such as VCs, who would share advice and opinions. This was a god-send for me, especially being an entrepreneur. Seeing so many startup founders, employees, and everyone’s sweetheart ‘Silicon Valley’ be constantly showcased in the press and news, Twitter has helped me feel like I was part of it all — even if I wasn’t physically present in Silicon Valley.

Twitter became my go-to-source to learn about the latest tech, industry trends, startups, and how other entrepreneurs were running their businesses.

Fast forward to present day, I can’t stop using Twitter. I’ve learned so much and have become filled with new knowledge. I religiously follow VCs, tech influencers, entrepreneurs, startups, and of course TechCrunch :). Twitter has become my friend. It provides me with daily updates, conversations I can engage with, and other interesting items. Hell, I was able to find out about a great service that was a Designer Marketplace and oh, of course Medium (a few months back). Another great example would be how I became affiliated with a great startup study group, called SSG. Had it not been for Twitter, I would have never known about SSG, or had the opportunity to join their amazing group of global Entrepreneurs, Founders, Developers, and more. Since I’ve joined their group, I have grown more as an entrepreneur and have shared a wealth of information with them through Twitter.

These are things I personally feel I never would have been able to find out on my own had it not been for Twitter (You might disagree). I’ve been able to learn how people have succeeded, failed, pivoted, pushed forward, and much more. No, Twitter itself didn’t tell me all that. Instead, Twitter helped inform me, linking me to their blogs, websites, articles, and much more. All of this, has helped me become a better entrepreneur and a better individual. Being in the startup world, it’s difficult to tackle things alone.

Overall, Twitter has helped me link up with accounts I should follow, so I could learn and gain new information. What better way to strive for success, then to learn from others? Knowledge is power, and I feel Twitter provides knowledge. Not only that, but Twitter allows for sharing of that knowledge with everyone around the world. Sharing is caring right? The platform allows for seamless instant feedback. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, reporter, or just someone who uses the platform for personal use — you can get instantaneous feedback from users from anywhere in the world. It not only is a content aggregator, but is a connector as well. I’ve met so many great people by connecting with them on Twitter first, then actually meeting them at conferences or for a simple cup of coffee. This is a global economy, and I feel Twitter, along with other platforms, have helped us grow as a global world that much more.

Whether you disagree, agree, or have your own personal thoughts and experiences, I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to contact me via Twitter at @geeky_yang.

