Go to Startup Grind
Startup Grind
Stories, tips, and learnings from and for startups around the world. Welcoming submissions re: startup education, tech trends, product, design, hiring, growth, investing, and more. Interested in submitting? Visit our submission form here: https://airtable.com/shrShpeN89HrzCzOB
Note from the editor

The life, work, and tactics of entrepreneurs around the world — by founders, for founders. Welcoming submissions on technology trends, product design, growth strategies, and venture investing.

Go to the profile of Derek Andersen
Go to the profile of The Startup Grind Team
The Startup Grind Team
Stories & strategies curated by the Startup Grind global community. Interested in submitting? Visit our submission form: https://airtable.com/shrShpeN89HrzCzOB
Go to the profile of Guillaume De Smedt
Guillaume De Smedt
VP of Global Community for medium.com/startup-grind
Go to the profile of Karlie Krieger Valine
Go to the profile of Augustin Jarak
Go to the profile of Courtney Chia
Go to the profile of Jamilah Tawfiq Morrar
Jamilah Tawfiq Morrar
Senior Partnerships Manager @StartupGrind
Go to the profile of Daniel Myers
Daniel Myers
Developer Relations @ Snowflake
Go to the profile of Ranga Bodla
Ranga Bodla
VP, Industry and Field GTM, Oracle NetSuite
Go to the profile of Darshan Fichadia
Go to the profile of Jonathan Selby
Jonathan Selby
General Manager at Founder Shield, fostering a culture of unparalleled service and risk consulting for some of the fastest growing companies in the world.
Go to the profile of Steve Blank
Steve Blank
The Father of Modern Entrepreneurship
Go to the profile of Nir Eyal
Nir Eyal
Posts may contain affiliate links to my two books, “Hooked” and “Indistractable.” Get my free 80-page guide to being Indistractable at: NirAndFar.com
Go to the profile of Nicholas Pappageorge
Nicholas Pappageorge
Expert generalist. Analyzing robotics, IoT, and a lot more @CBInsights
Go to the profile of Doug Evans
Doug Evans
Juice evangelist, plant-based nutrition advocate, CEO and founder of @Juicero. Empowering people to live their best lives.
Go to the profile of Sean Everett
Sean Everett
Three decades operating and advising high-growth businesses, from startups to the Fortune 500. https://everettadvisors.com
Go to the profile of Matt Turck
Matt Turck
VC at FirstMark
Go to the profile of Louis Coppey
Louis Coppey
VC @pointninecap, interested in / writing about VC, SaaS, and, Automation.
Go to the profile of Hunter Walk
Hunter Walk
You’ll find me @homebrew , Seed Stage Venture Fund w @satyap . Previously made products at YouTube, Google & SecondLife. Married to @cbarlerin .
Go to the profile of David Lee
David Lee
Trying real hard to be the shepherd.
Go to the profile of Austen Allred
Austen Allred
Co-founder of Lambda School — a CS education that’s free until you’re hired https://lambdaschool.com
Go to the profile of Bo Ren
Bo Ren
Product-focused investor empowering underestimated founders. Writer. Advisor.
Go to the profile of Narendra Rocherolle
Narendra Rocherolle
Co-Founder of Peck. Other: Webshots, 30 Boxes. Early to Twitter and originator of little things like the retweet.
Go to the profile of Pulkit Agrawal
Pulkit Agrawal
Building better onboarding @trychameleon
Go to the profile of Hi Tiffany!
Hi Tiffany!
Walking through the second chapter of my life by asking: What can I do for the world? You’ll find the answer at http://misstiffanysun.com/about
Go to the profile of Ted Livingston
Ted Livingston
Founder and CEO of Kik and Kin
Go to the profile of Alex Holderness
Alex Holderness
Publisher for Finder.com.au (previously The Martec)
Go to the profile of John Greathouse
John Greathouse
I write primarily for Forbes — published by The Wall Street Journal, Inc., Entrepreneur, TechCrunch, Business Insider, etc. I sporadically post to Medium…
Go to the profile of Jason Toff
Jason Toff
Making things @ things.inc. Formerly Vine / Google / Meta.
Go to the profile of Oren Ellenbogen
Oren Ellenbogen
VP Engineering @ Forter, Curate awesomeness @ http://softwareleadweekly.com , Author of http://leadingsnowflakes.com
Go to the profile of Brooke Goodbary
Brooke Goodbary
Customer Success consultant, writer, and expert www.brooke.land
Go to the profile of Veronica Belmont
Veronica Belmont
Writer / Advisor / PM @ Adobe
Go to the profile of Khan Duymazlar
Khan Duymazlar
If Termite Damage could describe a literary style
Go to the profile of Sebastien Gabriel
Sebastien Gabriel
Designer at Google. Chrome browser, Chrome OS and Android.
Go to the profile of Russ Roberts
Russ Roberts
I host the weekly podcast, EconTalk and I'm the co-creator of the Keynes-Hayek rap videos. My latest book is How Adam Smith Can Change Your Life.
Go to the profile of Lylan Masterman
Lylan Masterman
Venture Partner at White Star Capital. Canadian-born New Yorker. Kauffman Fellow. CompSci Geek. The y in my name is pronounced as a hard i. www.lylan.com
Go to the profile of Alex Haagaard
Alex Haagaard
Disability-led design & health justice. Director of Communications for The Disabled List. They / theirs. Tip jar: paypal.me/alexhaagaard
Go to the profile of Jake Stein
Jake Stein
CEO & Co-founder of Stitch
Go to the profile of Astrollama
Go to the profile of Tom Rausch
Tom Rausch
Co-Founder @GoodWorldSolutions. Techno-optomist focused on emerging markets and the bottom billion.
Go to the profile of Aaron Painter
Aaron Painter
I empower #LeadersWhoListen. I lead #Dynamics365 at #Microsoft in #China but personal curiosity inspires my posts; I want to share what I learn.
Go to the profile of Marcus Hanson
Marcus Hanson
Head of Engineering @mobcrush, formerly @twitter. Gentleman Gangsta, Slurpee connoisseur, and college football fanatic. War Eagle!
Go to the profile of Vin Clancy
Vin Clancy
Author of “Secret Sauce: A step-by-step guide to growth hacking”. Founder of Magnific, Planet Ivy, Screen Robot.
Go to the profile of Linden Tibbets
Linden Tibbets
CEO at IFTTT. Building something cool!
Go to the profile of Adam Grant
Adam Grant
Wharton professor. Author: ORIGINALS & GIVE AND TAKE. NYT writer: work & psychology. Ex-diver. Arguing like I'm right, listening like I'm wrong
Go to the profile of SheWorx By Lisa Wang
SheWorx By Lisa Wang
The global collective of ambitious female entrepreneurs. We’re closing the funding gap by collaborating, not competing.
Go to the profile of Thaddeus Howze
Thaddeus Howze
Author | Editor | Futurist | Activist | http://bit.ly/thowzebio | http://bit.ly/thpatreon
Go to the profile of Paul Lundin
Paul Lundin
Founder @ arctir.com Husband & Nerd. Executive, formerly of Kong, Heptio, CoreOS ++.
Go to the profile of Andy Sparks
Andy Sparks
Co-founder & CEO at Holloway. Past: Co-founder & COO at Mattermark.
Go to the profile of Donna Harris
Donna Harris
Founder Builders + Backers. Cofounder @1776. Board member @GEWGlobal. Entrepreneurs can change the world, working to help make it reality. http://t.co/gQ2mg7NS
Go to the profile of Ravi Vadrevu
Ravi Vadrevu
Founder @kalendarai. Previously growth @branchout, @myspace.
Go to the profile of Irina Tsumareva — Digital Consulting
Irina Tsumareva — Digital Consulting
Co-founder @ Kraftblick | Marketing Strategy & Implementation for Midsize and Enterprise Software https://kraftblick.com/
Go to the profile of Nicholas Reville
Go to the profile of Gregory Brown
Gregory Brown
Business operations consultant, author of “Programming Beyond Practices” book (O’Reilly)
Go to the profile of ethanaustin
Director @Techstars, LA. Previously Co-founder @GiveForward. Likes burritos. Dislikes injustice.
Go to the profile of Matthew Amsden
Matthew Amsden
CEO of ProofPilot. Research, productivity, health startups and tech.
Go to the profile of Tag W.R. Hartman-Simkins
Tag W.R. Hartman-Simkins
Brooklyn, NY | Design director for Futurism. Writing and Design.
Go to the profile of Jim Arkedis
Jim Arkedis
I write about international affairs and politics, and/or the intersection there of. Follow me @JimArkedis; Pres of @indspnsableUS. See www.indispensableus.org
Go to the profile of Rand Fishkin
Rand Fishkin
Founder of SparkToro and Snackbar Studio, author of Lost & Founder, speaker, blogger, marketer, husband to @everywhereist
Go to the profile of Nathan Kontny
Nathan Kontny
Y Combinator alum. Created Draft (http://draftin.com). Watch: https://youtube.com/nathankontny. Previous: Highrise CEO, Rockstar Coders CTO
Go to the profile of Chris McCann
Chris McCann
Partner @RaceCapital, former community lead at Greylock Partners, founder of StartupDigest
Go to the profile of Shannon Lee Byrne
Shannon Lee Byrne
Co-founder of AdultDecisionsMGMT.com, band manager, freelance writer of copy and editorial
Go to the profile of Michael D
Go to the profile of Conrad Wadowski
Conrad Wadowski
Founder of Kick
Go to the profile of Alex Siman
Alex Siman
A blockchain and smart contracts developer. Polkadot.network Ambassador. Work at Joystream.org. Founder of meetup.com/Polkadot-Ukraine
Go to the profile of Whit Harwood
Whit Harwood
Media and Tech junkie. Always trying to find what’s next. Baseball addict. True Detective apologist. Old Bay evangelist.
Go to the profile of Andrew Ettinger
Andrew Ettinger
Go to the profile of Caleb Kirksey
Caleb Kirksey
Making software and other stuff
Go to the profile of Gabriel Jimenez
Gabriel Jimenez
I’m the CEO of an digital agency in South Florida “The Social Us”
Go to the profile of Rustin Rassoli
Go to the profile of Hilary Howe (née Szymujko)
Hilary Howe (née Szymujko)
Passionate about helping and investing in early stage founders / Previously MD at @Brinciot, Investment Mngr @Seedcamp, head of @blueprint_hk
Go to the profile of A Simple Life
A Simple Life
On a journey towards a simpler life. Thoughts on solitude, contentment, books, mindfulness, Zen, Financial Freedom, and investing.
Go to the profile of Loic Le Meur
Loic Le Meur
Entrepreneur, pilot, kite-surfer and paraglider. Subscribe to my new newsletter http://loiclemeur.substack.com
Go to the profile of Jan König
Go to the profile of Lewis Howes
Lewis Howes
NYT bestselling author, top podcast host, entrepreneur. Former pro athlete & 2 sport All-American. Dirty salsa dancer. USA National Team Handball athlete.
Go to the profile of Steve Bryant
Steve Bryant
Content Ops and Strategy for brands and agencies // thisisdelightful.com // now with more newsletter: stevebryant.substack.com
Go to the profile of Edmund Edgar
Edmund Edgar
Founder, Social Minds Inc. Work on reality.eth
Go to the profile of Marie Prokopets
Marie Prokopets
Co-founder of FYI and Product Habits. Maker of things. Occasional psychic. One with the universe.
Go to the profile of Billy Frazier
Billy Frazier
Principal experience designer, writer, and leader who’s fumbling forward through a creative career while helping others do the same. fumblingbook.com
Go to the profile of Dakota Shane Nunley
Dakota Shane Nunley
Content Strategy Mgr @ Udacity | 180+ articles published on Inc. & Forbes | Author | www.dakotashane.com. I help brands tell their stories to drive big results.
Go to the profile of Mesh Lakhani
Go to the profile of Ben Tossell
Go to the profile of Ryan MacInnis
Ryan MacInnis
Product Marketing at LinkedIn. Ex Twitter, Notarize, Voysis (acquired by Apple), Boston Globe. Alum: HKS, NYU, UMass Lowell. Runs on ☕️ and Celtics 🏀
Go to the profile of Travis Lowe
Travis Lowe
Husband, father, Pastor, thinker.
Go to the profile of Ben Costantini
Ben Costantini
Building Startup Sesame, the network of Tech events.
Go to the profile of Dani Hart
Dani Hart
Sustainable Company & Personal Growth @ GrowthGal.com, Director of Content @ psyML.co
Go to the profile of Corey Harrington
Corey Harrington
Founder of readysetgrow.co
Go to the profile of Juan Buis
Juan Buis
words about tech & digital culture
Go to the profile of David King
David King
🌉📈🔥🔎🗝🚵 SF. Startup Investor/Advisor. bitcoin. Entrepreneur. Ex-Googler. Cyclist.
Go to the profile of Kimberly Harrington
Kimberly Harrington
BUT YOU SEEMED SO HAPPY and AMATEUR HOUR | The New York Times, The New Yorker, McSweeney’s, The Cut | kimberlyharrington.me
Go to the profile of Dunja Lazić
Dunja Lazić
I set out on a journey.
Go to the profile of Graham Anderson
Graham Anderson
surrealist, darpa data scientist, lapsed musician
Go to the profile of Martin Ahindura
Martin Ahindura
Child of God writing about Software Stuff.
Go to the profile of Vladimir Mićković
Vladimir Mićković
Co-Baby @ juicymarbles.com • Branding Consultant @ people.ooo // Artist • Writer • Poet // vladimirvladimir.com
Go to the profile of Michael
#1 customer of the US Postal Service. Letterjoy.co
Go to the profile of Christopher Kelvin Lee
Christopher Kelvin Lee
Former Investor @ Accel Partners and Engineering Fellow @ KPCB.
Go to the profile of Micha Anthenor Benoliel
Micha Anthenor Benoliel
Connecting reality to Web3 @nodlenetwork @clickdeepreals , founded Open Garden and FireChat
Go to the profile of Carlos E. Perez
Carlos E. Perez
Author of Artificial Intuition and the Deep Learning Playbook — http://linkedin.com/in/ceperez https://twitter.com/IntuitMachine
Go to the profile of Tony Morosini
Tony Morosini
Product & technology exec, focused on fintech, payments and banking products — @tonymo on Twitter.
Go to the profile of Abi Tyas Tunggal
Abi Tyas Tunggal
Creator https://tyastunggal.com and co-founder of https://himalayas.app. Past: Spaceship’s first employee and PM at UpGuard.
Go to the profile of Esko Kilpi
Esko Kilpi
Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But, since no one was listening, everything must be said again. -André Gide
Go to the profile of Annie Maguire
Annie Maguire
Freelance Conversion Copywriter. Digital product creator. Aspiring comedy writer. This could get weird.
Go to the profile of Roger Ehrenberg
Roger Ehrenberg
partner @ebergcapital. owner @iasportsteam & @marlins. founding partner @iaventures. @thetradedeskinc @Wise. @UMich @Columbia_Biz. family man. wolverine. 〽️
Go to the profile of Casper Sermsuksan
Casper Sermsuksan
Co-Founder @KulinaID | Edaf | Fopus, CSO @ Tellscore
Go to the profile of Gillian Morris
Gillian Morris
Nomad, nerd, travel evangelist. Founder @Hitlist_app. http://hitlistapp.com
Go to the profile of Mason Weis
Mason Weis
Freelance designer - Coffee Drinker - Occasional Internet Surfer
Go to the profile of Abhishek (AJ) Ratani
Abhishek (AJ) Ratani
Father and Husband, Entrepreneur, World Traveler, Technologist, Feminist, Former President and CTO @ Red Ventures and big Razorback fan!
Go to the profile of Vansh Jain
Vansh Jain
What works? Why?
Go to the profile of Christian Heilmann
Christian Heilmann
Maker of web things. Ponderer of new technology. Lover of simplicity. Portfolio: http://christianheilmann.comhttp://developer-evangelism.com
Go to the profile of Leonard Austin
Leonard Austin
Cofounder & CTO of Ravelin.
Go to the profile of Rachel White
Rachel White
CFO | Writer | Cat lover | Budding amateur chef
Go to the profile of Enis Hulli
Enis Hulli
500 Emerging Europe, enis@500.co, cc: Podcast, getcced.com
Go to the profile of jose Luis Rodriguez
jose Luis Rodriguez
WashU MBA | Finance | Data Science
Go to the profile of Prithvi Sathiya
Prithvi Sathiya
Data Engineer by day, STEM lover by night
Go to the profile of Cliff
Internet Thousandaire
Go to the profile of Liz Wolfe
Liz Wolfe
libertarian writer | austin, tx | writes on drugs, feminism, due process, free speech, and a gazillion other things that piss both sides off
Go to the profile of Sergey Vasin
Sergey Vasin
I’m a partner at a private equity firm. I’m passionate about data analysis, business management, and scaling start-ups. I’m fond of SaaS, fintech & blockchain
Go to the profile of Lukas K
Lukas K
DeFi fan
Go to the profile of Medha Agarwal
Medha Agarwal
General Partner @Defyvc. inception, seed + Series A. Proud @HarvardHBS @Harvard @Redpoint @Radlwtcrew @Bainalerts alumna. Recovering New Yorker, loving SF
Go to the profile of Jerry Lu
Jerry Lu
investor @advancitcapital | prev @lux_capital, @youtube, @facebook | alum @wharton, @berkeley | fashion enthusiast, music curator, netflix foodie
Go to the profile of Shai Wininger
Shai Wininger
Tech entrepreneur. Co-Founder of Lemonade (NYSE:$LMND) and Fiverr (NYSE:$FVRR)
Go to the profile of Ryan Metzger
Ryan Metzger
CEO, co-founder @getridwell. Prev @MadronaVentures, @zulily. Fan of Northwestern, the Seahawks, and any news on the return of the Sonics.
Go to the profile of Liran Jakob Rosenfeld
Liran Jakob Rosenfeld
I'm ever changing
Go to the profile of Maya Frai
Maya Frai
Managing Editor, @lhiplatform.
Go to the profile of Steve Moffatt
Steve Moffatt
Product @Amazon, Fmr. VP Product @Athelas | Stories on Growth | Passionate about user experience, computer vision, & biology.
Go to the profile of John Rampton
John Rampton
Entrepreneur, Writer, Online Marketing Guy, Blogger, Husband and Full Time Computer Nerd. Founder @Calendar and @Due
Go to the profile of Vaishali Badgujar
Vaishali Badgujar
Content Marketer | Know SEO Thing | HubSpot Inbound Certified Marketing Professional
Go to the profile of Andrew Frawley
Andrew Frawley
Advocating for well-being and mental health through politics ~~~ Past: #2 hire/Director of MKTG Andrew Yang 2020 Presidential
Go to the profile of Thomas Wehmeier
Go to the profile of Max Grigorev
Max Grigorev
better AI systems
Go to the profile of Richard Purcell
Richard Purcell
Independent national security/foreign policy analyst and freelance writer living in Washington, DC. Follow me on Twitter at @SecurityDilems.
Go to the profile of Rachel Daydou
Rachel Daydou
I have worked in China for 7 years and have been involved in the Shanghai startup scene for 3 :)
Go to the profile of Charmaine Abalajon
Charmaine Abalajon
I’m a Product Manager at Checkout 51, I’m also an accountant. I love data but I love learning about behaviour more. Come say hi @charmaine_a.
Go to the profile of Casey Bombacie
Casey Bombacie
Problem solving since 2001. I'd love to help solve your problem!
Go to the profile of Guillaume TESSIER
Guillaume TESSIER
Sharing my journey towards killing the enemy within. So that I can bring value to the ones that matter => Dad/Husband ❤️, Entrepreneurs…
Go to the profile of John Occhipinti
John Occhipinti
Partner @ Relay Ventures, Strictly Mobile Investor, Board of Pubnub, Moj.io, Automat.ai and Kiip
Go to the profile of Maureen Lea
Maureen Lea
Writer. Alarice International and the Yidan Prize.
Go to the profile of Chengeer Lee
Go to the profile of Rafael Belchior
Rafael Belchior
R&D Engineer at Blockdaemon. Opinions and articles are my own and do not necessarily reflect the view of my employer. https://rafaelapb.github.io
Go to the profile of Ganes Kesari
Ganes Kesari
Co-founder & Chief Decision Scientist @Gramener | TEDx Speaker | Contributor to Forbes, Entrepreneur | gkesari.com
Go to the profile of Saptarshi Nath
Saptarshi Nath
Co-founder at @airboxr. Formerly EiR at @join_ef, co-founder of @OvercartInc, technologist (sic), gamer, big fan of great UI/UX, ex-Consultant.
Go to the profile of Karlie Krieger Valine
Go to the profile of Jonathan Carrier
Jonathan Carrier
Co-Founder of ZipCharge, thought leader in mobility, smart transportation and intrapreneurship
Go to the profile of Tarun Kohli
Tarun Kohli
Founder & CEO of quovantis.com, an avid book reader and a student for life.
Go to the profile of David Kenney
David Kenney
Author, Founder, Mentor Ask me for a free chapter https://www.amazon.com.au
Go to the profile of Dave Masom
Dave Masom
CPO @ Conserv, former VP, Product @ Pack Health. London, UK → Birmingham, AL. Writing about product development, social impact and psychology.
Go to the profile of Robyn Ward
Robyn Ward
Startup Coach/Company and Community Builder/Investor. Mentor@Techstars, BoD@Women Founders Network, Entrep Teacher@USC
Go to the profile of Kelli Palm
Kelli Palm
Kelli is the lead product manager of kiosk solutions at CityBase, working with government and utility payment kiosk clients.
Go to the profile of The Unilever Foundry
The Unilever Foundry
We are @Unilever’s global startup collaboration platform, partnering with the world’s best startups to accelerate business innovation globally.
Go to the profile of Joel Fernandes
Go to the profile of Appsee
Qualitative app analytics lets you watch user session recordings and touch heatmaps for every screen, for a deep understanding of UX + user behavior. Appsee.com
Go to the profile of Marlon C. Nichols
Marlon C. Nichols
Founder/Managing Partner @macventurecap, @KauffmanFellows, fmr @intelcapital @CornellMBA, @Northeastern, Pro-athlete, Jamaican born! Culture+Tech = new mkts
Go to the profile of Jim Turner
Jim Turner
Journalist, videographer. Building a startup from the ground up.
Go to the profile of brian schofield
Go to the profile of Silicon Valley Bank
Silicon Valley Bank
Helping innovative companies and their investors move bold ideas forward, fast. Financial services for companies in innovation centers around the world.
Go to the profile of Deanna Rampton
Deanna Rampton
A business woman and entrepreneur. Editor-in-Chief and content writer at Startup Grind. Editor http://Due.com and Editor Entrepreneur.
Go to the profile of Josh Schachter
Josh Schachter
CEO @ UpdateAI. Customer advocate. Builder of startup teams.
Go to the profile of Rebecca Corliss
Rebecca Corliss
VP Marketing at @ Owl Labs. Inbound marketer. Aca-prenuer.
Go to the profile of Jeff Jaraved
Jeff Jaraved
Engineer, brand strategist, and co-founder at Heurist - the brand developers. I’m on a mission to marry engineering to marketing. Wish me luck.
Go to the profile of Nathan Resnick
Nathan Resnick
Currently CaffeinatedCX.com + Founded/ Exited Sourcify.com + One of the only nontechnical solo YC founders + EO Utah
Go to the profile of Steve Chong
Steve Chong
COO at Projector PSA (www.projectorpsa.com) and a bit of geek when it comes to managing professional services and SaaS-based businesses.
Go to the profile of CultureAPI
Most work problems are people problems. When the right people are in the right roles anything is possible. We’re all about making that happen www.cultureapi.com
Go to the profile of Michael Gasiorek
Editor in Chief
Michael Gasiorek
Founder, writer, nomad. CEO @ TruthCartel.com + EiR @ dlab.vc | Explore, learn, create, contribute | Former Editor-in-Chief @StartupGrind. Writes when provoked.
Go to the profile of Tim Jackson
Tim Jackson
Startup founder, former Economist and FT journalist, CEO coach, and seed VC at www.walking.vc
Go to the profile of Vikas Agrawal
Go to the profile of Ton Dobbe
Ton Dobbe
I help B2B SaaS CEOs end the stress of ‘not enough’ traction
Go to the profile of Amina Zilic
Amina Zilic
Curious learner and passionate story-teller.
Go to the profile of Saheed Oladele
Saheed Oladele
Startup Enthusiast. Full-Stack Developer. Open Source Contributor. React | Rails.
Go to the profile of Alexander Grosse
Alexander Grosse
CTPO at issuu, co-author of ‘Scaling Teams’ with @dloft
Go to the profile of Sharon Tom
Sharon Tom
I am an experienced Product and Marketing Executive with 4 successful exits. Grow your company with me: sharvuong@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Jamilah Tawfiq Morrar
Jamilah Tawfiq Morrar
Senior Partnerships Manager @StartupGrind
Go to the profile of Jelle Kajim
Go to the profile of Madalena Ferreira
Go to the profile of Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO)
Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO)
EO is a global network exclusively for entrepreneurs. At EO, we believe in the power of entrepreneurship to transform the human story.
Go to the profile of Imogen Watson
Imogen Watson
VC & Partnerships Lead for the Startup Program @ Startup Grind. Building the Investor Program and bridging the gap between the world’s best startups and VCs.
Go to the profile of Dale Hart
Dale Hart
Content Manager at ThePowerMBA
Go to the profile of Sandun Weerasinghe
Sandun Weerasinghe
Seasoned software engineer & manager, with 12 years of experience in the distributed software development industry.
Go to the profile of Jonathan Woahn
Jonathan Woahn
Husband and Father of 4 | 4x Startups & xMcK | CXO and Co-Founder at BookClub | SoftwAIre engineer, product leader, startup coach
Go to the profile of Mike Scott
Mike Scott
Co-founder and CEO of NONA | Dad & Husband | Business Coach | Entrepreneur | Writer | Cyclist | Runner | Habit optimiser.
Go to the profile of Kenji Explains
Kenji Explains
Follow me for more about business / marketing / strategy
Go to the profile of Jade-Ceres Violet D. Munoz
Jade-Ceres Violet D. Munoz
A digital marketer, a startup co-founder, a Book Fairy, a mom, and a writer. Based in New Zealand. Follow me at: https://www.newsbreak.com/publishers/@561036
Go to the profile of Anna Carey
Anna Carey
Software engineer @Artsy. At the intersection of storytelling, art, and technology.
Go to the profile of Luba Yudasina
Luba Yudasina
Founder www.loka.dev | ex-Product Manager and Software Engineer @Airbnb, | YouTuber (Life of Luba) | Opera Singer
Go to the profile of Ranga Bodla
Ranga Bodla
VP, Industry and Field GTM, Oracle NetSuite
Go to the profile of Ren Robinson
Go to the profile of Carrie Shaw
Carrie Shaw
SaaS CMO, currently at Copper CRM.
Go to the profile of Mixtroz App
Go to the profile of Grace Lancaster
Go to the profile of AWS Startups
AWS Startups
Learn how to get started, connect with other founders, and find resources to grow your business.
Go to the profile of Job van der Voort
Job van der Voort
CEO at Remote
Go to the profile of Amanda Hajek
Go to the profile of Jeremy Ambrose