All the Venture Capital & Fundraising Bloggers You Should be Following

Andy Sparks
Startup Grind
Published in
6 min readJan 25, 2017


As Joshua Levy and I continue work on The Open Guide to Startup Fundraising, we’ve been drawing from all the incredible bloggers who have contributed to the base of knowledge on fundraising over the years. We will include this list of bloggers and how to find them in the guide, but I wanted to publish the guide now as a resource while we continue working on the guide.

This list is not supposed to be exhaustive, but rather a list of notable individuals who with blogs that are or were active, influential, and vocal around investing or fundraising.

Individuals names have been linked to their LinkedIn account, the firm they work at has been linked to their AngelList page, links to relevant blogs (Medium in red) have been added, and links to their Twitter accounts are listed (all when available).

📖 Ventureminded, Adam Besvinick

Adam Besvinick (Deep Fork Capital), Twitter

📖 Just Getting Started, Amish Jani

Amish Jani (FirstMark Capital), Twitter

📖 Featured Essays, Andrew Chen

Andrew Chen (Angel), Twitter

📖 The Gong Show, Andrew Parker

Andrew Parker (Spark Capital), Twitter

📖 Maximize Serendipity

Andy Weissman (Union Square Ventures), Twitter

📖 Continuations, Albert Wenger

Albert Wenger (Union Square Ventures), Twitter

📖 Ben-Evans, Benedict Evans

Benedict Evans (Andreessen Horowitz), Twitter

📖 Ben’s Blog

Ben Horowitz (Andreessen Horowitz), Twitter

📖 Above the Crowd, Bill Gurley

Bill Gurley (Benchmark), Twitter

📖 BZ Notes, Bilal Zuberi

Bilal Zuberi (Lux Capital), Twitter

📖 Version One Blog, Boris Wertz

Boris Wertz (Version One Ventures), Twitter

📖 Feld Thoughts, Brad Feld

Brad Feld (Foundry Group), Twitter

📖 Life Sci VC

Bruce Booth (Atlas Venture), Twitter

📖 Rolling Thunder

Bruce Cleveland (Wildcat Venture Partners), Twitter

📖 Bryce Dot VC,Bryce Roberts

Bryce Roberts (O’Reilly AlphaTech Ventures), Twitter

📖, Bubba Murarka

Bubba Murarka (DFJ), Twitter

📖 Cem Sertoglu, Cem Sertoglu

Cem Sertoglu (Earlybird Venture Capital)

📖 This is Going to Be Big, Charlie O'Donnell

Charlie O’Donnell (Brooklyn Bridge Ventures), Twitter

📖 Archive, Chris Dixon

Chris Dixon (Andreessen Horowitz), Twitter

📖 Nothing to Say, Chris Fralic

Chris Fralic (First Round Capital), Twitter

📖, Christine Herron

Christine Herron (Intel Capital), Twitter

📖 christine tsai, Christine Tsai

Christine Tsai (500 Startups), Twitter

📖 The Angel VC, Christoph Janz

Christoph Janz (Point Nine Capital), Twitter

📖 GenuineVC, David Beisel

David Beisel (NextView Ventures), Twitter

📖 Hi, I’m David G. Cohen, David Cohen

David Cohen (TechStars), Twitter

📖 Who Has Time for This?, david cowan

David Cowan (Bessemer Venture Partners), Twitter

📖 VentureBlog, David Hornik

David Hornik (August Capital), Twitter

📖 Trying to Bring Something to the Table, David Lee

David Lee (Refactor Capital), Twitter

📖 For Entrepreneurs, David Skok

David Skok (Matrix Partners), Twitter

📖 HubSpot Blog, Dharmesh Shah

Dharmesh Shah (Angel), Twitter

📖 Elad Blog, Elad Gil

Elad Gil (Angel), Twitter

📖 Breaking VC, Ezra Galston

Ezra Galston (Chicago Ventures), Twitter

📖 Musings of an Entrepreneur

Fabrice Grinda (Angel), Twitter

📖 Fred Destin, Fred Destin

Fred Destin (Accel), Twitter

📖 AVC, Fred Wilson

Fred Wilson (Union Square Ventures), Twitter

📖 Reaction Wheel

Jerry Neumann (Angel), Twitter

📖 Going Long, Glenn Solomon

Glenn Solomon (GGV Capital), Twitter

📖 Greg Bettinelli, Greg Bettinelli

Greg Bettinelli (Upfront Ventures), Twitter

📖 vcwithme, Guy Turner

Guy Turner (Hyde Park Venture Partners), Twitter

📖 99% Humble, 1% Brag, Hunter Walk

Hunter Walk (Homebrew Ventures), Twitter

📖 Pattern Recognition, Ian Sigalow

Ian Sigalow (Greycroft Partners), Twitter

📖 thebarefootvc, jalak jobanputra

Jalak Jobanputra (Future\Perfect Ventures), Twitter

📖 Correlated Causation, Jamie Davidson

Jamie Davidson (Redpoint Ventures), Twitter

📖 TechBytes

Jason Ball (Qualcomm Ventures), Twitter

📖, jason

Jason Calacanis (Angel), Twitter

📖 Venture Evolved, Jason Heltzer

Jason Heltzer (Origin Ventures), Twitter

📖 SaaStr, Jason M. Lemkin

Jason Lemkin (SaaStr Fund), Twitter

📖 Nouveau Capital Blog, Jay Deng

Jay Deng (Nouveau Capital)

📖 Seeing Both Sides (new), Seeing Both Sides (old), Jeff Bussgang

Jeff Bussgang (Flybridge Capital), Twitter

📖 Points and Figures

Jeff Carter (West Loop Ventures), Twitter

📖 Jeff Jordan, Jeff Jordan

Jeff Jordan (Andreessen Horowitz), Twitter

📖 Gotham Gal

Joanne Wilson (Angel), Twitter

📖 Blood, Sweat, and Tears

Jon Sakoda (New Enterprise Associates), Twitter

📖 A Crowded Space, Josh Breinlinger

Josh Breinlinger (Jackson Square Ventures), Twitter

📖 Josh Hannah, Josh Hannah

Josh Hannah (Matrix Partners), Twitter

📖 Redeye VC, Josh Kopelman

Josh Kopelman (First Round Capital), Twitter

📖 Musings, Kanyi Maqubela

Kanyi Maqubela (Collaborative Fund), Twitter

📖 Thinking About Thinking

Larry Cheng (Volition Capital), Twitter

📖 Agile VC, Lee Hower

Lee Hower (NextView Ventures), Twitter

📖 Lenny Pruss, Lenny Pruss

Lenny Pruss (Redpoint Ventures), Twitter

📖 Coding VC, Leo Polovets

Leo Polovets (Susa Ventures), Twitter

📖 Pmarchive, Marc Andreessen

Marc Andreessen (Andreessen Horowitz), Twitter

📖 blog maverick, Mark Cuban

Mark Cuban (Angel), Twitter

📖 Both Sides of the Table, Mark Suster

Mark Suster (Upfront Ventures), Twitter

📖 Martin Varsavsky, Martin Varsavsky

Martin Varsavsky (Angel), Twitter

📖 VC Confidential

Matt McCall (Pritzker Group Venture Capital), Twitter

📖 Matt Turck, Matt Turck

Matt Turck (FirstMark Capital), Twitter

📖 Uncrunched, Michael Arrington

Michael Arrington (Crunchfund), Twitter

📖 uncapitalized

Mike Abbott (Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers), Twitter

📖 Bowery Capital Blog

Mike Brown Jr. (Bowery Capital), Twitter

📖 Parislemon, M.G. Siegler

M.G. Siegler (Google Ventures), Twitter

📖 nabeel hyatt, Nabeel Hyatt

Nabeel Hyatt (Spark Capital), Twitter

📖 Venture Hacks, Naval Ravikant

Naval Ravikant & Babak Nivi (Angel & Angel), Twitter, Twitter

📖 The Equity Kicker, Nic Brisbourne

Nic Brisbourne (Forward Partners), Twitter

📖 Om Malik, Om Malik

Om Malik (True Ventures), Twitter

📖 PG’s Essays, Paul Graham

Paul Graham (Y-Combinator), Twitter

📖 Paul Kedrosky, Paul Kedrosky

Paul Kedrosky (SK Ventures), Twitter

📖 sneakerheadvc, Phin Barnes

Phin Barnes (First Round Capital), Twitter

📖 no upside, Renee DiResta

Renee DiResta (Angel), Twitter

📖 Greentech Media

Rob Day (Black Coral Capital), Twitter

📖 RobGo, rob go

Rob Go (NextView Ventures), Twitter

📖 Information Arbitrage, Roger Ehrenberg

Roger Ehrenberg (IA Ventures), Twitter

📖 Also, Roy Bahat

Roy Bahat (Bloomberg Beta), Twitter

📖 Sam Altman, Sam Altman

Sam Altman, (Y-Combinator), Twitter

📖 Venture Generated Content, Satya Patel

Satya Patel (Homebrew Ventures), Twitter

📖 Semil’s Blog, Semil Shah

Semil Shah (Haystack ), Twitter

📖 Seth Levine, Seth Levine

Seth Levine (Foundry Group), Twitter

📖 Steve Blank, steve blank

Steve Blank (Angel), Twitter

📖 Mindful VC, Steve Schlafman

Steve Schlafman (RRE Ventures), Twitter

📖 O’Reilly Radar, Tim O'Reilly

Tim O’Reilly (O’Reilly AlphaTech Ventures), Twitter

📖 Tom Tunguz, Tom Tunguz

Tomasz Tunguz (Redpoint Ventures), Twitter

📖 Ithaca VC

Zach Shulman (Cayuga Venture Fund), Twitter

📖 The Periodic Table of Venture Capital Blogs

By CB Insights



Andy Sparks
Startup Grind

Co-founder & CEO at Holloway. Past: Co-founder & COO at Mattermark.