The best of Medium’s user acquisition and growth hacking articles

Big Brain Bob rates articles on a brain scale of 1-5

Hugh Plautz
Startup Wisdom


This is my collection of articles from Medium on “User Acquisition” and “Growth Hacking”. It will be updated weekly, so bookmark it. Send me suggestions on articles I’ve missed.

Bob Rates medium articles from o-5 Brains


User Acquisition, Virality, and Mobile: Notes from our session with Adam Nash

By GreylockVC

7 minute read

4 of 5 brains

How LinkedIn grew to 150M users from a User Acquisition session hosted by Greylock.

Read if:

  1. You want to know the 5 sources of traffic for your project and the pros and cons of each.
  2. How LinkedIn optimized for mobile traffic and the value difference between browser and native app traffic.
  3. You want tips on measuring where user traffic originates.
  4. You want to hear how a successful company thought through user acquisition challenges.

Best Line:

“It’s like crack. Once you have organic traffic, you always want more.”

Early user acquisition & pivots

By James Dong

5 min read

3 of 5 brains

How James built is growth strategy and target audience for an un-named idea.

Read if:

  1. You want to understand the difference between reaching out to 100 of your contacts and your target audience.
  2. What a founder’s thought process was in the earliest stages of product development

Best Line:

I realized the importance of starting a bit smaller—solving the problems people are already trying to solve for themselves today

Does your idea suck? Test user acquisition in 5 days for $37

By Hugh Plautz

12 min read

5 of 5 brains, but I wrote this so grain of salt this.

A step-by-step approach to testing an idea’s appeal to users without actually launching a product or service.

Read If:

  1. You want step-by-step instructions on how to test an idea.
  2. You want detailed links of some of the best free stuff to start user acquisition testing for an idea that isn’t yet a product or service.
  3. You want the bare basics knowledge of effective use of Google adwords and analytics

Best Line:

The reality is most ideas for a startup, app or service are pretty sucky.

Growth Hacking and User Acquisition for Startups and Bootstrappers

by Jane Nevins

4 min read

4 of 5 brains

2o questions to ask before you start user acquisition efforts

Read If:

  1. You want to know what should be in your basic Growth Hacking Tool Kit.
  2. 20 questions to ask yourself before starting a user acquisition campaign.

Best Line:

Think of your user acquisition plan as a collection of tools that range from Easy-and-Cheap to Hard-and-Expensive.

How I used Quora for User Acquisition

by Kamil Rextin

3 min read

5 of 5 brains

Read If:

  1. You want a super cool idea that people overlook for user acquisition.
  2. You want a steady stream of user acqusition traffic.
  3. You want to compare Quora to Reddit or Hackernews.

Personal Note: I just started using this one with decent success even after only 2 days.

Best Line:

The trick to this as with anything is to be helpful & relevant on questions relating to your product — a shameless plug in the end can be forgiven in that case.

Recipe Book-Growth Hacking

By Matti

2 min read

3 of 5 brains

3 tips and some helpful links to start user acquisition

Read if:

  1. You want 100 growth hacks in 100 days.
  2. 7 ways Dropbox hacked growth

Best Line:

Growth hacking as a term is gaining more and more traction in Finland.

NOTE: You know when a term is overused in Finland it’s well….

Jon Yongfook: Not going to sugar coat this

by Colibri IO

2 min read

3 of 5 brains

Q&A with the “walking encyclopedia of growth hacking.”

Read if:

  1. You want a link to best hands-on user acquisition tactics that you can start right away.
  2. You want another reason for kicking yourself in the head for not learning to code.
  3. You want the definition of “lifecycle marketing”
  4. You like that someone still uses the term encyclopedia instead of wikipedia.

Best Line:

Not going to sugar coat this: Yes. I think coding skills are a must to be a tech entrepreneur in general.

5 Growth Hacking Lessons I Learned From Lyft’s Adam Fishman

by Nate Desmond

3 min read

3 of 5 brains

What Nate Desmond learned from the Director of Growth at Lyft when he visited Tradecraft.

Read if:

  1. You want the two key metrics to focus on for user acquisition.
  2. You want great 30K foot insight into user aquisition.

Best Line:

Avoid expensive experiments

The Black Belt of Reddit

by David Webber

5 min read

3 of 5 Brains

How marital-arts teacher (sensei?) Jordan Bill combines karate and Reddit.

Read if:

  1. You want a great example of using social media for niche business real-world (what is this brick and mortar?) user acquisition.
  2. You want a link to “Punch Drunk” Jordan’s weekly kick ass video.
  3. You like saying the words “Punch Drunk” (and who doesn’t).

Best Line:

It should also be mentioned that Jordan has kept this from his usual network for the early stages in order to collect pure data.

Music Marketing is Growth Hacking

By Corey Crossfield

2 min read

4 of 5 brains

Why music marketers are the OGs (that’s original gansta’s mutha fukka to you).

Read if:

  1. You wonder what ingredients make up a “growth hacker.”
  2. You wonder who gets the credit for coining the term “growth hacking.”

Best Line:

“..[growth hacking] sounds a lot like a digital marketing overview one would see in many album release and tour announcement marketing plans.”

The Only Growth Hack You Need to Succeed on Medium

by Lincoln W. Daniel

7 min read

5 of 5 brains

What you need to know to about curating content on Medium.

Read if:

  1. You want to be a successful curator on Medium.
  2. You want specific actionable things you can do today to reach this goal.
  3. You want some decent Medium collection stats

Best Line:

…so how is it possible that I can get 10 followers overnight?

Any I missed? Let me know in a comment or a tweet @viralmatic.

