Month in Review: April

Published in
3 min readMay 6, 2019

Welcome to Month in Review, where the team behind STASIS shares our updates from the past month, as well as some thoughts on key issues for the stablecoin space.

The Month in Review is originally distributed each month as a newsletter. You can sign up to receive it here.

Some thoughts on regulation

At this point, it’s pretty much a given that cryptocurrency needs regulation. Crypto startups are practically begging regulators to give them some guidance, and old-school financial players are waiting for clear rules before they commit to the space. Nearly everyone seems to be in agreement that the sooner we have clear, comprehensive regulation, the better.

But how do we actually get this regulation passed around the world? Much like with new technology itself, the process begins with early adopters. The first two or three nations are hard, because no one wants to get their hands dirty when they’re not sure exactly how things will play out. But after these pioneers have provided concrete evidence of the benefits of cryptocurrency regulation, other regulators will follow.

That’s why we’re so proud to have worked closely with the Maltese government to help shape the Virtual Financial Assets Act, one of the first pieces of business-friendly cryptocurrency legislation. Now, we’re using our expertise to help push for healthy regulation across Europe. More on that below….

Stablecoin use cases

It’s no secret that stablecoins are mostly used for trading on cryptocurrency exchanges. But we’ve always wanted EURS to be more than that — trading is great, but there are so many other areas where stablecoins can also add value. This month, we got to see the development of two other use cases.

First, EURS was integrated into CoinPayments, the leading crypto payment processor. The integration will the approximately 2.5 million vendors onboarded with CoinPayments the option to accept payment in EURS.

EURS was also used by Future Invest which, partnering with the blockchain company Blockhive, used our token to pay investors in their B11G real estate project. While the project raised funds in ether, they wanted to be able to make sure they could pay their investors in a stable asset. You can read more about why they chose EURS here.

Furthering European crypto regulation

In April, Gregory became a spokesman for INATBA’s finance group. INATBA, a European Commission-affiliated association of blockchain experts, is committed to furthering blockchain regulation across Europe. We’re excited to be involved with an organization so closely aligned with our own beliefs about crypto regulation.

Paris Blockchain Week

On April 18, our CEO Gregory spoke on a panel at Paris Blockchain Week called “Stable Coins: the key to mass adoption?” While in Paris, he also did an interview with EAK TV, where he discussed topics including institutional involvement in digital assets, and what asset STASIS plans to tokenize next. You can watch the interview here.

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