State of the Union 2014 Class #3: Education

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State of the Union 2014
State of the Union 2014


This post describes the third session of the Stanford University State of the Union 2014 course, offered in autumn 2014. Details here.

Our distinguished guests for October 7 are:

Linda Darling-Hammond

Linda Darling-Hammond is Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education at Stanford, where she has launched the Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education and the School Redesign Network and served as faculty sponsor for the Stanford Teacher Education Program. She is a former president of the American Educational Research Association and member of the National Academy of Education. Her research, teaching, and policy work focus on issues of school restructuring, teacher quality, and educational equity.

Chester Finn

Chester E. Finn, Jr. is a scholar, educator, and public servant who has been at the forefront of the national education debate for thirty-five years. He was born and raised in Ohio and received his doctorate from Harvard in education policy. President of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, he is also a senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and chairman of Hoover’s Koret Task Force on K–12 Education. He is the author of twenty books and more than 400 articles; his work has appeared in publications such as The Christian Science Monitor, Education Week, Harvard Business Review, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and The Weekly Standard.

Randi Weingarten

Randi Weingarten is president of the 1.6 million-member American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO. As president, Weingarten has la unched major efforts to place real education reform high on the nation’s and her union’s agendas, including the AFT Innovation Fund — supporting sustainable, innovative and collaborative education reform projects developed by members and their local unions. In 2013, the New York Observer named Weingarten one of the most influential New Yorkers of the past 25 years. Washington Life magazine included Weingarten on its 2013 Power 100 list of influential leaders. Weingarten’s column, “What Matters Most,” appears monthly in the New York Times’ Sunday Review.

UPDATE: Video of Session #3.



State of the Union 2014
State of the Union 2014

@Stanford course unpacking the nation's most pressing challenges with David Kennedy, @RobReich, @JimSteyer, and special guests.