9 Chinese Startups at STATION F


Station F


STATION F got festive this week in honour of the Chinese New Year. China is in fact the third country from which we receive the most international applications after the USA and the UK. Discover what the Chinese startups at STATION F are working on!

在申请加入STATION F的国际企业中,有不少来自于中国的初创企业,其数量仅次于美国和英国。让我们一起来看一些Station F里面的中国初创企业吧!

AlorsFaim: The Deliveroo for authentic Asian cuisine

OuiCrea Program

AlorsFaim is a food ordering and delivery app for Asian cuisine. Developed by a passionate team of Chinese foodies, their mission is to promote authentic Asian food and make it accessible to all. Forget about spring rolls and try something really good on the app (available on iOS and Android).

Use exclusive promo code “STATIONF” for €5 off your first order ;)



iTravelPay: Tap into the purchasing power of Chinese travelers

Ouicrea Program

iTravelPay is a mobile payment aggregator that allows merchants to integrate different digital payments for worldwide consumers, notably being the first platform in France to integrate WeChat Pay into their product. It is no secret that China is growing towards a cashless future with mobile payments reaching US$12.8 trillion in 2016 vs. US$49.3 billion in the USA, the same year. With 91% of Chinese travelers more willing to shop and spend at places that accept Chinese mobile payments, iTravelPay in its simple form is in fact providing merchants with huge business opportunity. They have gained clients including Paris-CDG, Orly, Nice and Lyon airports, ClubMed and are continuing to quickly grow in France and throughout Europe.

iTravelPay从技术上为商户提供了一个一体化,专业性的全球化电子支付方式平台,从而服务于他们来自世界各地的客户。同时他们完善的电子营销服务也帮助商户全面地提高其营业额。 同为在法国央行注册的企业,iTravelPay 和法国外贸银行Natixis 为电子支付的推广发展携手合作。

iTravelPay进展地很顺利。在到STATION F的几个月内就相继签署了一些法国及欧洲其他地区的大商户集团,比如说,巴黎戴高乐机场,巴黎奥利机场,尼斯和里昂的机场,地中海俱乐部(ClubMed)等等。

Yaoyan Niu, CEO & Co-Founder of iTravelPay

Wonest: Smart plugs to optimize your energy consumption

Arts et Métiers Acceleration

Wonest develops smart plugs that help you reduce your energy consumption. It allows you to control your plugged-in devices at distance via an app and is also compatible with Alexa and Google Home for voice features. Additionally, it allows you to track your consumption and compare costs across local energy providers. Thumbs up for being more green and saving some euros.

Wonest开发智能节能插头设备。它可以帮助用户用APP远程控制电器并且与Alexa和Google Home语音控制兼容。另外它也可以让用户了解能源消耗并进行价格比价。让我们为这个绿色并省钱的项目点赞!

VeChain: Blockchain and IOT for ultimate product certification

OuiCrea Program

VeChain, derived from “Verification Chain”, is a blockchain solution that certifies product authenticity and provides supply chain transparency by harnessing data from IoT devices in the production process. The company implements the concept of Blockchain as a Service (BaaS), which is to use blockchain to meet the needs of end consumers. Their blockchain solutions have been adopted in various industries including automobile, luxury goods, pharmaceuticals, food & liquor, etc.

VeChain,含义为 Verification Chain,中文名为“唯链”,是结合了区块链技术和物联网技术的一个供应链管理平台,目的在于为正品身份提供防伪识别和透明化管理。唯链致力于贯彻 Blockchain as a Service(BaaS:区块链即服务) 的理念,即把区块链当做一个基础设施,并在上面搭建各种满足普通用户需求的应用。VeChain有奢侈品,酒类,农业,汽车等多行业的区块链项目落地实施经验。

Quidam: Blockchain to disrupt the media industry

OuiCrea Program

Quidam provides corporations, sport federations and content producers with a turnkey blockchain solution to create tailormade crypto-assets that enable them to track, monitor and monetize their clients & fan base. Their platform is designed to assist non-technical individuals such as producers, film directors, screenwriters, or marketing directors to engage more effectively with their audience and convert those engagements into revenue-generating assets.


Smeal: Nutritionally complete mealshakes

Founders Program

Don’t skip your meals but if you really do, at least shake up a Smeal. Smeal offers balanced mealshakes that can be prepared within two minutes. It was developed by two sporty engineers, Antoine and Sijia, who both had a shared concern for being nutritious while maintaining an active, on-the-go lifestyle. Their objective is to help people maintain a nutritionally complete diet, even when they have little to no time on their hands.

Smeal源于Antoine和偲嘉,两位热爱运动的工程师,对一个日复一日影响我们的问题的思考:如何在享受忙碌而充实的生活的同时,让身体更健康? 他们与营养学家和食品营养工程师等专业人士开发出第一代聚集了美味,健康和便利于一体的营养代餐。他们每天致力于为热爱运动关心健康的人士提供营养最优化的代餐。

The Smeal team

Flyinstinct: Drones for industrial data acquisition

OuiCrea Program

Flyinstinct builds drones for smart inspection of industrial assets like offshore oil-gas sites, nuclear plants, railway infrastructures and more. By applying artificial intelligence to robotics, Flyinstinct is able to cover larger surfaces at higher precision and lower cost, allowing their clients to increase their performance and mitigate risks.

Flyinstinct 将人工智能和机器人技术利用到工业数据采集和管理中,来帮助工业客户采集到海量的工厂运营数据,包括监控数据,检修的图像数据等。他们为客户的工厂等资产建立起数字孪生,使得他们可以增加效率,避免风险。

The Flyinstinct team

Hihilulu — learning Chinese in early childhood

OuiCrea Program

Hihilulu is a platform for learning Chinese in early childhood. By adapting a streaming model to language learning, Hihilulu is able to create a Chinese language environment with rich and diverse content. Their Online Chinese Progressive Learning System for Kids® allows them to identify the children’s level and adapt its content to ensure a personalized and progressive curriculum. Hihilulu is a winner of the Alibaba Cloud Innovation Prize in Europe.

Hihilulu 是第一家专为儿童提供寓教于乐中文内容的流媒体平台,旨在创造一个缺失的中文语言环境,成为一个陪伴孩子自然成长,辅助孩子中文启蒙教育的智能工具。hihilulu独有的在线幼儿中文进阶体系® 通过智能化地识别孩子的水平,自动向孩子推送与其语言等级相符合的内容,从而创造个性化的学习体验。2016年,曾获得阿里云欧洲创新大奖。

Zion Ladder: Break through the Great Firewall with their VPN

Ouicrea Program

Surely, you’ve all heard about or even experienced the Great Firewall in China. Similarly to the Great Wall that was built to keep invaders at bay, the Great Firewall limits access to certain foreign websites — such as Google, Facebook, and YouTube. However, there are ways to bypass it, notably by using a virtual private network (VPN), which is exactly what Zion Ladder builds. VPN providers are in fact quite common but not always stable. Zion Ladder differentiates their service by innovativing VPN technology to ensure fast and stable connection and revamps the VPN experience with support embedded on WeChat.

Zion Ladder用创新的技术提供最快速稳定的VPN服务。智能分流,服务器自动分配等功能以及自主研发的客户端保证了最佳的客户体验。同时也提供包括微信在内的客服服务。Zion Ladder希望能够彻底改变VPN用户体验差的现状,做最好用的VPN。Zion Ladder团队是来自法国著名高商的毕业生,CTO在通讯行业已有十多年的经验。

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Station F

We are the world’s biggest startup campus. Open 2017 in Paris Initiative by @Xavier75 - Director: @RoxanneVarza