STATION F Birthday recap, with pictures!

Station F
Published in
4 min readJul 6, 2018


Last week, STATION F celebrated its first birthday! As Roxanne Varza, STATION F director, put it:

“So much has happened in our first 12 months — we launched a *ton* of programs, have worked with over 1,000 startups (many of which already have crazy accomplishments to share!), have welcomed loads of visitors from far-away lands (the list even includes Presidents, Prime Ministers, Dukes and Princes).”

That calls for celebration, right?

If you missed our Birthday -ALL DAY- Party, here’s what happened!

STATION F WTF! Conference — with unexpected data from 1,000 startups, our top startup highlights, and Tony Fadell!

When people imagine an entrepreneur they generally picture a 20-something year old male in a hoodie, perhaps a college drop out coding away night and day.

To check if this image is true, we decided to study the data ourselves. We gathered facts, figures, opinions, and preoccupations among all STATION F residents that were here during our first year of existence, and presented them in front of a 400-people crowd.

You can read all about the data HERE!

Data, data, and more data presented by Roxanne Varza
Startup panel with Kushim, Copelican, Recast.AI, Trone and Alan, followed by a discussion with Xavier Niel and Tony Fadell

More pictures of the WTF Conference on our album

STATION F first ever startups market & open doors

Following the WTF conference, STATION F campus was open to the public. YES, fully open! Thousands of people showed up to meet with 60 of the 1000 STATION F startups and our 30 different startup programs.

Music, food, drinks… and startups included of course!

More pictures of the Startup Market & Open doors on our album

BIG FAT BIRTHDAY PARTY (with costumes!)

STATION F residents were invited to celebrate our first Birthday, for a killer costume party at la Felicità. Topic of the costumes you ask? Pick your favorite F-word, of course!

Our Big Fat Birthday party featured: Kid Francescoli concert LIVE, Bolivard (LIVE) + DJ set with Les Hiboux & Mokoa

Frankenstein monster, Fox, Fanfare…
Flash, Fairy, Flic, Flibustier…
and a TON of Flamingos!

More photos of the party on Facebook!

Moving on to year #2, see you on campus!



Station F

We are the world’s biggest startup campus. Open 2017 in Paris Initiative by @Xavier75 - Director: @RoxanneVarza