Go to StationX
StationX is Siemens Mobility’s venture client unit responsible for fostering partnerships between trailblazing startups and our business units. The aim is to scale together and create business impact for both sides.
Note from the editor

StationX is Siemens Mobility’s venture client unit responsible for fostering partnerships between trailblazing startups and our business units. The aim is to scale together and create business impact for both sides.

Go to the profile of Sebastian
Head #Startup Partnering at #SiemensMobility, #Innovator, #CorporateVenturing, #Founder, Motivated by #WhatIsNext
Go to the profile of Angela Rose
Angela Rose
Student at TU Munich. Studies Management. Pursues Marketing. Wanders around Europe and uses her Instagram handle as a travel journal. GTM|Consulting|Travel