StellarX Update — Mid December 2022

A brand new Collisions feature, giving you more control than ever! ☄️

StellarX Blog
Published in
2 min readDec 20, 2022


We’re excited to announce the release of our latest StellarX software update, which includes several new features, improvements, and bug fixes.

First and foremost, we’ve added a brand new Collisions feature that allows users to select the desired collision type for their assets. 💥 This means that you can now control exactly how you want your assets to behave in your experiences.

To use this feature, simply go to the Remix Panel, and select the collision type that works best for you. For basic and performant collisions, we recommend using the Box Collider. For more precise and immersive collisions, we suggest the Convex Collider. And for very precise, but non-physical collisions, the Concave Collider is the way to go.

* Because Concave assets have a collider applied all around them instead of over them like Convex assets, the “Is Physical” Remix cannot be activated due to performance implications. You will still be able to collide other assets onto them, but gravity and force won’t be applied to the concave assets. We recommend using them only for very precise environmental assets, or when you need them to contain other assets (shelves, containers, boxes, etc.).

In addition to this new feature, we’ve made several improvements to the visual design of the Remix Panel. Check out this “before-after”; sweet, eh?! 😍

We’ve added a Color field to the Glow Node, giving you more flexibility when creating your experiences. And, we’ve made improvements to how we handle Voice Sessions in Multiplayer, so that users who are disconnected or timed out after a long period of inactivity can be automatically reconnected when they return to their Session.

We’ve also fixed several bugs, including issues with Canvas Zoom/Unzoom, the selection of Mechanical assets as Node References, and the orientation of avatars in Multiplayer. We’ve also fixed problems with undoing the creation of Starting Points and Remixing the volume of Media Panels.

Overall, this update provides a number of new features, improvements, and bug fixes that will enhance your experience and make it even easier for you to create immersive, interactive experiences with our software. As always, we’re committed to constantly improving and updating our platform, and we can’t wait to see what you create with these new tools. ✨

More info here: StellarX Help Desk

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