Sometimes a mediocre poet


One line drawing of a poet — Dall-e-2

“put your emptiness to melody … at best you’ll find a little remedy, at worse the world will sing along.” — Hozier

Hey friends,

Some of you may know, every once in a while I write poetry. Mostly to help me process my own emotions.

For a while now, I’ve been playing with the idea of posting my poetry on Medium. On one hand, I want it to be out there as a personal outlet, but on the other hand my “medium brand” has nothing to do with my poetry. So, I’ve been paralyzed in decision limbo for some time.

Today I say “fuck it.” Absolute worst case, I lose readers and people say “This is awful. Why would you share this? Go back to ChatGPT and Python tutorials. In fact, don’t even do that.” Which, frankly, would be quite rude and I don’t think I’d like that reader very much any way (lol). Best case, a few people read it, find solace in the sharing of emotion, and move on.

So, again, I say “fuck it.” Today, I’m an optimist.

As Hozier sang “put your emptiness to melody … at best you’ll find a little remedy, at worse the world will sing along.”

Thus begins Stinky Emo Poetry - a publication dedicated to just my poetry. I think this means you, as a reader, can block the publication if you’re wholly uninterested and still get all my other stuff. Readers can choose what they like (as it should be) and I get to use my platform to express myself as I like (also as it damn well should be). A perfect little compromise if I do say so myself :)

You can find my first post here: Old Friend — a two part series on Depression and Recovery


