This week in Security Tokens 5/2019

Stefan Perlebach
Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2019

🔥 Top 5 — Most important news of the week

1. Switzerland’s Stock Exchange to Launch own STO

According to Reuters, the exchange plans to lead by example — showing off blockchain technology by raising money itself via a STO. Chairman Romeo Lacher stated “We want to start with our own Security Token Offering“, which shall be done in the second half of 2019, alongside the launch of its SIX Digital Exchange (SDX) platform for trading digital assets.
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2. Harbor launches Platform 2.0

Issuance provider Harbor released a new version of its platform that should make fundraising, investor management and issuance of private equities easier. New features shall allow issuers to streamline investor onboarding & verification, automate fundraising, unlock liquidity options through automated compliance, and get a real-time view of their cap table etc.
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3. Neufund releases Equity Tokens (FTH) & NEU Token Rewards

Investors who participated in Neufund’s first STO (of its parent company Fifth Force GmbH) will be able to claim their FTH equity tokens and thereby become co-owners of Neufund’s platform. At the same time, all NEU token holders will reveice a payout in NEU, which is worth over €100k. This is due to Neufund’s business model in which NEU token holders are rewarded with every investment conducted through Neufund’s platform.
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4. CityBlock Capital’s Security Token will trade on SharesPost’s platform.

NYCQ, the tokenized venture fund of CityBlock Capital which is investing in early-stage blockchain capital market infrastructure companies, will be tradable on SharesPost’s Alternative Trading System (ATS) after the STO and expiration of applicable holding periods.
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5. Mt Pelerin raises $2 Million in STO

Mt Pelerin, a Swiss startup aiming to make banking more efficient by using blockchain technology, closed its first stage of funding with 5% of its tokenized equity sold. According to their press release, Mt Pelerin sold 500,000 shares that were offered directly to the public with 570 investors coming from about thirty different countries and a median investment of USD 1,065. -> source

🖊️ From the Blog

Republic: How Anyone can become an Angel Investor!?

In our new interview with Kendrick Nguyen — Founder and CEO of Republic & Republic Crypto — we talk about how to create liquidity in the Security Token market and democratize access to capital.
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⏰ STO of the Week

SpaceFund One - USA
Token Type - Equity

SpaceFund One is a tokenized venture capital fund, investing in the high-growth startups addressing the multi-billion-dollar space markets of the near future. Learn more about their STO -> here

💡 Knowledge of the Week

Oracles in Security Tokens

Jesus Rodriguez - Managing Partner at Invector Labs - wrote another great article sharing his ideas. This time it is about the interaction and integration of off-chain data sources into the blockchain ecosystem by using different kinds of oracles.
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