Email templates at store2be and GDPR — How we migrated away from Sendwithus

When store2be started 3 years ago we were searching for a nice way to handle email templating and sending. I came across Sendwithus, an email template service that connects to a lot of different email…

🔁 Stable vs unstable sorting

At store2be we noticed a problem when running our Rails test suites in our two main development environments, on Mac OS X we had a test that would consistently fail, while on Linux it would pass fine every time, which in a way proves the old software development adage about…

Fixing a silent logger with OS debugging tools

One of the features we wanted in the recent push to release a 0.2 version of Papers was debugging output uploaded to an S3 bucket for generated documents. One of the major things we want in that debug archive is the logs from the service itself —…

Heroku CLI meets fzf

While working with tmux and fzf I came across another interesting fzf use case: Use a fuzzy finder to simplify the use of the Heroku CLI.

Imagine you have some apps on Heroku and now and then you want to tail their logs or you want to ssh into one of them. There is…