Once Upon in China

My first bag pack trip in Northeastern Region of China back in winter 2011

JunYi Chow
Stories Behind Photography


I have started to write photo blog since April/ May 2014, three months have passed and so far I really enjoy what am I doing at Medium here. This platform allows me not only to improve my language, but with its “limited” choices of layout, you learn to try your best to put your photos into a stories. Some of my friends really enjoy reading blogs, saying that, with only one photo, they don’t see the meaning behind it. BUT, with various photos in one page, people will try to work to understand the content and what connects those photos together! That’s my target to write the photo blogs, to bring different photos into one theme, and make variation of it. Thanks to Yourshot National Geographic, that’s where I started to learn to shoot photos in different theme. One of my best collection so far is “Life in Black and White”, in the future, I plan to go even deeper to shoot a sentimental moment.

From this month onwards, I plan to bring up my photos that I shot back in winter 2011, before I started my last semester of my undergrad life in Beijing. While I stayed in China for 6 years, I never travel in the first 5 years, until the final year, I decided to go to somewhere people usually don’t go, the NORTHEASTERN REGION. WHY? because it’s just like Minnesota in the winter, the climate could get lower than 0 fahrenheit, and people simply just feel “COLD” even before they go there. And guess what? I wanted to experience a different adventure and therefore, I accepted the challenge to stay in Beijing after the Fall semester finished.

I spent the eve and the first two days of Chinese New Year in Beijing before I head to the next stop. Beijing is always a ultimately busy city. Surprisingly, within Chinese New Year, you may have an experience where you take a bus and you are only person on the bus. On that moment, I felt “peaceful.” Never ever better.

So, even most people go back to their hometown to celebrate new year with their families, locals in Beijing still have various celebrations happened yearly in every corner of Beijing. One of the best scene would be


Temple Fair is one of the most important attractions in Chinese New Year, not only you eat (even though the foods are 3x expensive than usual), you’re experiencing the culture and watching shows that you don’t on TV everyday, such as talk show, acrobatics, shadow play, etc.

I hope you enjoy the first volume of my journey, in next volume I shall show you the “praying section” at Llama Temple, which is another great scene in Chinese New Year in Beijing.

Thanks again for spending time here and I shall see you in the next story.

If you are interested to read more, here is one recommendation for you

A Different Beijing

I really appreciate you reading this far. And if you enjoyed these photos or found it inspiring, I’d really appreciate it if you could CLAP and do come say hi on Twitter! I’d love to hear from you soon.



JunYi Chow
Stories Behind Photography

classical composer, multimedia lover, event/ project management