Go to Stories By Jama
Stories By Jama
Unlock real-time market data from over 70 million strong mobile workforce in Nigeria. | Perforrm micro tasks and get paid for it!
Note from the editor

Unlock real-time market data from over 70 million strong mobile workforce in Nigeria. | Perform micro tasks and get paid for it!

Go to the profile of GetJama
Design and deploy professional surveys online with JAMA. Unlock real-time market data from over 70 million strong mobile workforce in Nigeria.
Go to the profile of Emmanuel Oluwatosin
Emmanuel Oluwatosin
I am a Nigerian by Choice. I Dream.Believe.Pursue.Achieve. I seek to Help Other People Excel | Co-founder, tivasgroup.com | I love technology & startups | VCiT
Go to the profile of Emmanuel Oluwatosin
Emmanuel Oluwatosin
I am a Nigerian by Choice. I Dream.Believe.Pursue.Achieve. I seek to Help Other People Excel | Co-founder, tivasgroup.com | I love technology & startups | VCiT