Fiction / Humour/ Funny Animals

Steve the Squirrel🐿️ vs. Marcus the Human! Steve Seeks Compensation

Threatening and menacing behavior by human leads to Squirrel Steve trying to defend himself!

Sophia Tell- Stories 🤓📢🤓
Stories With a Slice


This has now gone to court. Please would you all stand!

Steve the Squirrel vs. Marcus the Human🐿️

This situation has left him quite fragile and he cannot focus for long period of time without getting agitated. Photo by Author Generated By images

Your Honour

I am a representative lawyer for Steve the squirrel. He contacted me via my window and he is now my client.

My client has been the victim of defamation of character by Mr. Marcus, who falsely alleges that my client “cussed” him out! What a very tall and fabricated tale!

On the night of whatever night it was, the giant human did intend to hurt my client. The humans eyes glowed in the dark and Steve was terrified!

My client decided that the only way to defend himself was to get his hazel nuts and launch them at the human, and started shaking his body about to frighten the human away.

Also, Marcus is not to speak to him or approach him on the street or look up at him in his tree. Yes, it is his tree!

🐿️Steve saw this human as a predator and it was all about self preservation. He might try to catch Steve and barbecue him!

Steve just did not know what to do.

I concur that my client has been left traumatized and feeling that this human has no respect for his feelings.

Thus, I respectfully ask the court , to fine Mr Marcus.

For him to pay the sum of all his future medium earnings to Squirrel Steve.

As it does get extremely hot in Texas during the summer months, Steve would like to visit the UK where the weather is milder.

This money would facilitate this temporary move.

He also has been told that Sophia Tell is there and she is more friendly than Marcus!

Additionally, Steve would also like an apology from Marcus. Defamation of character is very serious.

If you want the full context, check Marcus Musick’s and then Isabel Villasmil, MRes. SEE END OF PAGE.

This situation has left My client quite fragile and he cannot focus for a long period of time without getting agitated.

If this is not complied with we would seek to escalate this and seek full possession of Mr Marcus’s home and possessions and all Medium income for the next 20 years.

But Steve is a reasonable squirrel and is very happy with just taking Medium earnings for the next ten years! He does not require the home.

Additionally, Marcus is not to speak to him or approach him on the street or look up at him in his tree with those piercing eyes. Yes, it is his tree!

🐿️Oh, and Mr Marcus to give back all nuts. The same ones Steve threw at Marcus.

I hand this over to the jury of Medium. Please can you deliberate and give your verdict. Will adjourn while you do.

Leave your verdict in the comment.

Added on 1/ 6/ 2024

Marcus — Guilty or Not!

I rest my case your honour!

This court case is a result of this incident —

