Her House

This is a stitch of “The Tests,” an unbound story. Write the story with us.

Jason Smith


Just newlyweds, Craig and Liz couldn’t believe the steal they were getting on their first home. The engagement and subsequent wedding had moved swiftly, with Liz already two months pregnant and Craig’s evangelical Christian mother peering over their shoulders, looming heavily with the type of judgmental presence only a mother could provide.

“This home is a gift from God,” she told Craig the day escrow closed. “This is God’s way of rewarding you for making the right choice with Liz.”

Craig nodded the way you nod when you just want the person to just stop talking, without saying a word. It worked.

Craig lived in the vacuum of where once existed faith. Raised in a religious household, his mind expanded while in college, and he never looked back. He began to resent the entire system once he found out his father, one of the church’s elders, was caught having an affair with a 19 year old parishioner. His father blamed it on his alcoholism, and Craig didnt really give a shit. The whole system was a farce, as far as he was concerned.

He felt bad for his mother, and kept her just close enough to allow his conscience to rest in that he hadn’t abandoned her. He didn’t particularly like his mother, but he loved her. So he put up with her.

Upon moving into the home, things got settled, and things were going just as planned. Newlyweds doing newlywed type things.

Until that night.

Everything changed that night.

This is a stitch of an unbound story (openly shared) for you to stitch to (write the next chapter). Read this to learn more, sign up, and then respond below.



Jason Smith

Writing has taught me to bounce back and forth between crippling insecurities and bouts of narcissism.