He’s not calling and you don’t know why, because you were so wrapped up in your own experience, you never attended to his. And he’s not going to tell you that.

Why doesn’t he call?

Because you are not offering him something worth calling for.

Thomas P Seager, PhD
Published in
9 min readJan 6, 2020


There is a river of laments from women on Medium that goes something like Maya Melamed’s The Problem With Men Giving Women Dating Advice.

While her headline makes a good point, her article is more along the lines of “Everything was going great! Why didn’t he text me for a second date?

Heiditheauthor sums up her experience like this:

We finished dinner and he wanted to hang out longer so we got another glass of wine. Around midnight he gave me a ride home on his motorcycle, (more bonus points), and very politely kissed me on the cheek.

I never heard from him again.

Almost every woman I know has experienced this once or twice in her life and she’s always baffled by why the guy never called again. He acted like he had a good time and appeared to be having fun, even prolonged the date, only to never call again.

It just doesn’t make sense to us.

Following principles of logic, Maya’s article describes her attempts to interview male friends and former Lovers to explain why she’s not getting text-backs and invitations to second dates. In fact, Heiditheauthor wrote an entire book following this strategy, asking 400 different men…

