RECIPE — What’s The Real Difference Between Vanilla And French Vanilla?

Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Kitchen
4 min readFeb 28, 2024


Cooking is like painting or writing a song. Just as there are only so many notes or colors, there are only so many flavors — it’s how you combine them that sets you apart. — Wolfgang Puck

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You call that an article on vanilla vs French vanilla? It’s as bland as plain vanilla ice cream! Let me show you how it’s done.

First of all, let’s clear up the confusion. Vanilla is the classic flavor derived from the vanilla bean, while French vanilla takes it up a notch with the addition of egg yolks, resulting in a richer and creamier flavor profile. It’s not just about the flavor; it’s about sophistication and elegance, something you seem to know nothing about.

Now, let’s get to the real deal — a recipe that showcases the difference between vanilla and French vanilla in a way that’ll make your taste buds stand up and salute.

French Vanilla Crème Brûlée


  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 vanilla bean, split and seeds scraped
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar, plus extra for caramelizing


  1. Preheat your oven to 325°F (165°C).
  2. In a saucepan over medium heat, combine the heavy cream, split vanilla bean, and its scraped seeds. Bring the mixture to a simmer, then remove from heat and let it steep for 15 minutes.
  3. In a separate bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and granulated sugar until well combined.
  4. Slowly pour the warm vanilla-infused cream into the egg yolk mixture, whisking constantly to avoid curdling.
  5. Strain the custard through a fine-mesh sieve into a large measuring cup or bowl to ensure a smooth texture.
  6. Place six ramekins in a baking dish, then fill the dish with hot water until it reaches halfway up the sides of the ramekins.
  7. Divide the custard mixture among the ramekins and carefully transfer the baking dish to the preheated oven.
  8. Bake for 30–35 minutes, or until the edges are set but the center still jiggles slightly when gently shaken.
  9. Remove the ramekins from the water bath and let them cool to room temperature. Then refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight.
  10. Just before serving, sprinkle a thin, even layer of granulated sugar over the custard. Use a kitchen torch to caramelize the sugar until it forms a crisp, golden crust.
  11. Allow the crème brûlée to sit for a few minutes to let the caramel harden, then serve and enjoy the luxurious, creamy, and decadent French vanilla goodness!

Wine Pairing: A luscious dessert like this calls for a sweet wine to complement its richness. I recommend a glass of Chateau d’Yquem Sauternes to elevate the indulgence of this French vanilla crème brûlée. The complex honeyed notes and luscious texture of this wine will harmonize beautifully with the custardy sweetness of the dessert.

There you have it — a recipe that truly captures the essence of French vanilla. Now, try not to mess it up like you did with that sorry excuse for an article.

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Bon Appétit

If you’re genuinely curious about the distinction between vanilla and the fancier French vanilla, then brace yourself for a lesson in sophistication. While vanilla is the classic flavor derived from the vanilla bean, French vanilla takes it up a notch with the addition of egg yolks, resulting in a richer and creamier flavor profile. So, if you’re looking to elevate your culinary creations with a hint of luxuriousness, opt for the French vanilla. But if you’re content with the standard vanilla and don’t strive for that extra je ne sais quoi, then carry on with your ordinary vanilla pursuits.



Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Kitchen

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