Go to Straight Bias Propaganda
Straight Bias Propaganda
This endeavor immerses itself in the seemingly inconsequential yet undeniably pertinent currents of our societal zeitgeist. Delve into the labyrinth of lazy talking points, extracting the essence of the minutiae that clings to the fringes of signifigance.
Note from the editor

This endeavor immerses itself in the seemingly inconsequential yet undeniably pertinent currents of our societal zeitgeist. Delve into the labyrinth of lazy talking points, extracting the essence of the minutiae that clings to the fringes of signifigance.

Go to the profile of Laxfed Paulacy
Laxfed Paulacy
Delivering Fresh Recipes, Crypto News, Python Tips & Tricks, and Federal Government Shenanigans and Content.
Go to the profile of Laxfed Paulacy
Laxfed Paulacy
Delivering Fresh Recipes, Crypto News, Python Tips & Tricks, and Federal Government Shenanigans and Content.