COCKTAIL — Dale Degroff’s Anejo Highball Cocktail Recipe

Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Speakeasy
4 min readMar 13, 2024


Life is too short to drink bad wine. — Anonymous

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Ah, the Anejo Highball. Now that’s a drink with a tale as twisted as the mind of a tortured artist. It all began in a little tavern tucked away in the shadow of the city’s looming skyscrapers. It was a place where dreamers and cynics collided, where joy and sorrow intertwined like lovers in a tragic romance.

The bartender, a man as weathered as the bar itself, concocted this drink on a night drenched in melancholy. The air was heavy with the weight of unfulfilled dreams and broken promises, much like the burden that each of the patrons carried on their weary shoulders.

Legend has it that the Anejo Highball was born out of a moment of profound resignation. As the bartender gazed at the rows of liquor bottles lining the mahogany shelves, he found himself contemplating the futility of striving for higher ground in a world that was content to drag everyone down into the depths of despair.

He poured a hearty measure of aged tequila — the kind that has seen more sunsets than the hearts of the forsaken souls who sought solace in his bar. The ice cubes clinked against the glass like distant echoes of laughter, mocking the bitter reality of existence.

With a heavy sigh, he added a splash of bitter liqueur, a nod to the bitterness that lingered in every conversation, every moment of false hope, and every shattered dream within those walls.

Finally, he topped it off with a generous pour of soda water, a symbol of the relentless force that dilutes the potent spirits of ambition and passion, leaving behind a diluted, tepid concoction that barely resembles the dreams it once embodied.

As he slid the drink across the bar to a weary patron, he muttered a wry toast under his breath, “To the pursuit of happiness, even though it’s as elusive as a mirage in the desert.”

And so, the Anejo Highball was born — a bittersweet elixir that captures the essence of life’s paradoxes and challenges. Each sip is a reminder of the bitter taste of disappointment and the fleeting sweetness of hope, forever intertwined in an unending dance of contradiction. Cheers to that, I suppose.


  • 2 oz. Añejo tequila
  • 1/2 oz. fresh lime juice
  • 1/2 oz. simple syrup
  • 3 oz. club soda
  • Lime wheel, for garnish


  1. Fill a highball glass with ice.
  2. Add the Añejo tequila, fresh lime juice, and simple syrup to the glass.
  3. Top with club soda and stir gently.
  4. Garnish with a lime wheel.
  5. Serve and enjoy!

As you sip on your Dale Degroffs Anejo Highball Cocktail, allow me to regale you with a tale of woe and whimsy, as I am wont to do. Ah, the bitter sweetness of existence, much like the concoction you hold in your hand — the marriage of tequila’s sting and the saccharine nectar of agave syrup. Such is life, a blend of the bitter and the sweet, with a dash of lime for that extra, sour kick in the teeth.

You see, life, my dear imbiber, is a relentless march of absurdities, a series of unfortunate events punctuated by brief moments of respite — much like the escape provided by a well-crafted cocktail. We grasp at these fleeting pleasures, desperately seeking a reprieve from the unending challenges and complexities that plague our days.

The Anejo Highball, a temporary oasis in the desert of daily drudgery, beckons with promises of warmth and comfort, as if to say, “Here, take a moment to forget the ceaseless parade of responsibilities and disappointments.” And yet, as we imbibe, we are all too aware that the bliss is fleeting, evaporating like the last vestiges of hope in a harsh world.

So go on, savor the illusion of tranquility in a glass, the faint whisper of solace offered by this libation. Let it transport you, if only for a moment, to a place where the weight of existence is lifted, where the absurdities of life are momentarily dulled by the bittersweet symphony of a well-crafted drink. Cheers, my friend, to the futility and silliness of our fleeting respites.

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Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Speakeasy

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