بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

PACE and Love
Published in
4 min readJul 14, 2016

No way to really sugarcoat it, the beehive is doing great!We live in the most peaceful time ever. #StopTerrorHype

Original from http://www.al-basar.com/site/ with edits by https://www.facebook.com/buffalouti/

Let’s light one up for electricity. Our magic potion is flowing in ever more elegant ways both in generation and transportation. Portugal ran for four days straight on renewable energy alone. And this was just two months ago! The electric motor (Tesla leading all), coupled with better and cheaper batteries, is now burgeoning. Renewable generation and electric transportation: Just beautiful.

Let’s light the second half of that one for abundance and prosperity. The land has been so clement, generous and responding with baraka as we pour our minds on it. Agricultural productivity gives us time. Time for the next phase - Having more time is always beautiful. Let’s dream of magic quasi-free electricity fueling the next agricultural revolution (water-harvesting methods, quadrupling productivity and better environmental control..).

Now peace affairs, war, bloodshed. And the miseries of tyranny:

Since WW2 the advance of democracy and nuclear deterrence made it almost impossible for global powers to war with each other.

Rulers were once keen on invading all of earth and its peoples -if they could- from where the sun rises to where it sets. Military expantionism nowadays is restrained by a hefty economic and political price at home and abroad. Peace and prosperity make much more political sense in a world of democracies or free peoples than between absolute states.

The fanfare accompanying the global war on terrorism is too loud sometimes to hear the quiet harmonies of peace most of us live & thrive in. Live 24-hour news TV and its echoes on the web magnify and hype war. Think of them as a weekly Souq stories-baffoun that went daily and dignified.

We live in peaceful times with human life relatively dignified and valued. Concentrated, uninformed and one sided media campaigning against “radical Islam” hides that and inches ever closer to outright Islamophobia.

What is the idological foundation of Islamophobia though? Besides the obvious white-supremacism and North/South devide of our species.

Islam, serte, is accommodating of dry western Platonism and patriarchal ways of thought and organisation. We often forget that so much of western thought is Islamic. Plato himself was long lost and forgotten in the christian world only to be reintroduced by islamic philosophers and translations.

At the same time, it remains indubitably the biggest, largely stable, and yet dynamic and semitic protector of ancient wisdom, historical continuity of our species and its sacred connection to the universe and nature.

So much of everything else (not everything!) was irredeemably conquered or destroyed after ruthless crusades and colonial rampaging through the human consciousness. Big babylon and its global media’s islamophobia and hysterical focus on islamic-anything as a threat is an expression of how opposite Islamic values are to those of big Babylon.

Outside of Babylon walls, WE think pollution is a threat. Racism is a threat. Patriarchal invasive state bureaucracy is a threat. Borders between people are a threat. Solipsistic Individualism is a threat. Economic disparity is a threat. Injustice is a threat. Police -state- and militarism is a direct threat. Giant asteroids are a threat..

For those who seek to visualise & build -together- a village that is healthy for the mind and soul — environmentalism, antisexism, transparency, equity in chances and treatment by the law, are all different trails, but WE can start by knowing ourselves, each other. Policy and ideology may engage our intellect but seeking beauty and what’s beautiful -and finding it- is what we really feel and should unite the movement.

I already see the shaping up of a global movement with young people at its core and the accumulation of progressive traditions and experiences across all of society and generations. We can rejoice at the peaceful, open source and gayan achievements we have despite big babylon’s reactionary inherent conservatism.

Of Course Babylon will keep morphing to adapt to the new world order, fragmenting and seeping through the movement. This usually takes shape in all manners of small Babylons. Smaller ventures and NGO’s that profess progressive grayan ideals while conserving the essence of the patriarchal top down pyramid. But the revolution will continue, and all uniforms will be taken off.

Now back to our beautiful & peaceful era (I think it is only starting). I do not want to disrespect distressed peoples like those of the Levant (and us). The fires there seem unusually atrocious and loud, but the Levant has always carried the brunt of civilisational rebirth for our species. -levant= Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and ME and “east” in general. Gave us the agricultural revolution, the 3 big religions and everything — too -…

In place of fear, embark with me on #StopTerrorHype campaign instead . Don’t play in the game. Don’t enable the flood of terror media news coverage by sharing it and retweeting it.

Share https://medium.com/strange-attractors and subscribe instead ;)



